Friday, December 19

So I'm home. ^_^ Yay!
I hope everyone's break is simply SMASHING so far. I've been so busy, oh my gosh. I've been hanging out with Sparky and Michael (of course) and my family lots. So, I haven't had time to be bored at all yet. Course...I've only been home for three days. :-p
Oh my god. My family did this HuMunGoUs grocery shopping today. It took us TWO carts at Safeway. TWO!!!!! It was all these baking supplies. Gosh, we got THREE 5lb bags of sugar. That's 15 pounds of sugar!!!!!! And I'm not even going to MENTION all the flour we bought. *rubs temple* It took us a good three hours. At the end, both my parents were getting a little snappy, which wasn't all that great to be caught in, let me tell you... Thank God that's over! ^_^
I've finally managed to wrestle the internet connection from my brother (who's quasi-girlfriend lives in Israel so internet is the only viable option for communication) for a little while. However, this is a short lived victory since all my friends are offline considering it is 1 in the morning and they are all at home. So. I shall be relinquishing my hold on the phone line soon. Meh.
Good night all! *muah*

Sunday, December 14

Dude. They caught Sadaam Hussein. DUDE. The CAUGHT him. Didn't they, like, think he was DEAD or something? Well, obviously not since they were apparently still looking for him. But didn't they tell us that he was? Or was that Osama? *blinks* I have trouble keeping track of all the wars we have on the burners right now.
Happy news:
The Goils did our gift exchange last night. Soooo fun. Dani and Devi gave me the COOLEST slippers in the world. *chuckles* You'll have to see them, they're impossible to do justice to in describing them. And I got an AWESOME hat which I just love. Oh oh! Alice has the SAME ONE (almost exactly!!)! So we're the hat twins. Hehehe. And Nancy gave me a mug with my favorite panda on it. (The one that always grabs its butt when it looks at her.) And Alice, knowing my love of her cute office supplies, got me a lead container that is WAY cool (+ a mechanical pencil with this cute little animal on it) and a cute little "chair" for my cell phone and this bell sort of's shaped like a monkey and it's supposed to bless you. Hehe. Then we had pizza.
Then Severin came over and he, Nancy and I hung out for awhile. We eventually migrated to Blockbuster where I got two movies for my last Night of Freedom here in Berkeley before I leave tomorrow. (YAYAYAYAY!!!!) Then I made Severin watch one of the movies with me. Then he decided to walk home. In the rain. Alone. And after he started to hail. HAIL!!! Stupid boys, he should have just waited for it to stop. *shakes head superiorly*
Okay, now I really have to go study.

Friday, December 12

I am sooooooo done with my physics midterm. It took a day to sink in, but now that it has...WOOPEEEEE!!!!!!!! *bouncing off the walls*
I learned a cool new trick today. (Who said old dogs can't learn new tricks?) It's called HaXOr language (aka l33t sp34k). D3v! 54j5 3r!( |/\|!ll 83 !|\/||>r3553d. 8u7 |\|0 1 7|-|!|\|5 !75 45 (00l 45 ! d0. *5!g|-|* 0|-| |/\|3ll.
Anyway, so now all I have to do before I leave is finish my Irish final cuz I already did my Irish presentation. (It went well, thanks for asking! ^_^) But I'm not worried about that final. So, I will study for that on Sunday.
Tomorrow is our little apartment gift exchange. That should be fun. We're also going to go to Jupiter's for dinner. Yay! *light bulb magically appears above head* Maybe we should do the gift exchange there!! Fun!!!
Well, I guess I should go for now. It's time to start my weekend in earnest! :)

Sunday, December 7

'ello duckies!
I'm taking a (very)short break from studying in order to fill you all in on my life. (Not that any of you are taking breaks from studying just so you can read my blog, but whatever. :-p)
This weekend was fun (though not as productive as I would have liked). Ankush visited on Friday night. (YAY!!!) Then Sat was spent studying. Today, however, I got some Christmas shopping done with my Berkeley Girls, Danica and Devika. (Nancy, both Alices, Kristina and Emer were also supposed to come, however, they all had scheduling conflicts. La sigh.) It was really fun, despite the long lines and crowded shops. ^_^ Course, Dani and Devi make everything fun through sheer silliness. (I, of course, am always staid and proper. *rolls eyes*)
So tonight I am going to wrap presents!!! I LOVE wrapping presents!!! I LOVE the holidays!!!! *hums xmas carol*
Oh, by the way, a special thanks goes out to Eric for sending me a thrilling rendition of "Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer" to kick off the holiday season. Thank you!!!!! : )
I only have three days left until my physics final (it's on Thursday at 8am, ew). *looks worried* But I'm trying not to stress too much. I'm just going to get it all done. All I can do is my best...right? :-I wish all of you good luck with finals and send big hugs of encouragement!! And a heartfelt good luck to Devi, whose professors are just EVIL. That's all I have to say about them, they're EVIL. *sticks nose in air haughtily*
All right...that break was longer than I wanted it to be. Talk to you all after finals!! Muah!! *retreats to her cave*

Saturday, November 29

Thanksgiving ROCKED! hehe
I went to my aunt's house and it was just me, my mom, my aunt, my brother, and a couple friends. Sooooo fun.
Oh! And I found out that the adults cats at the Mobile Adoption thing I volunteered at were adopted!!!! I am sooooo happy! They were the sweetest old things. And the kittens were so rowdy, ya know? I mean, don't get me wrong, I LOVE kittens (and puppies), but older cats are so mellow. And they really deserve the love after being left to die in the middle of their lives. And they were ALL adopted!!!!! *big grin* I love happy endings.
School is almost over for the year. Only two weeks left. Woohoo!!! I can't wait for break. I'm going to sleep soooo much and go out with my friends soooo much. It'll be great! Sparky, Michael and Maggie will all be home. Weeeee!!!!!
Okay, gotta go work on homework.

Tuesday, November 25

Hello all. ^_^
New: Morgan, Morgana and Mischa came to see me on Saturday!! Weeee!!! Maggie came over too! I showed them around campus and took them to Blondie's pizza. Also, Ankush came and visited on Saturday night. Yay! Unfortunately, I made him late getting home. :-\ Sunday night, Danica and I watched "Seven." Oh.
That movie is soooooooo creepy!!!!!! I couldn't sleep after we watched it and I still have to check over my shoulder ever couple minutes when I'm out walking. It made me so sad...:( [That movie is so well]
THANKSGIVING IS ALMOST HERE!!! I could just FAINT from happiness!!! Okay, I won't go THAT far. ; )
I'm going to my aunt's tomorrow night and coming back on Wednesday to do my Irish oral exam. We were supposed to write a speech about a friend, so I decided to write it about one of my lovely apartment girls. And, weighing the names for Irish-ness (I don't think you can pronounce Danica correctly in Irish), I wrote it about Nancy.
Okay, it's way too late.

Tuesday, November 18

Physics was interesting today. We all got there on time and everything, and there was part of a lab set up and we were supposed to get our midterm scores back. But Sharon (GSI) wasn't there. So we just sat down and waited a while. Around 12:15 we started getting a little antsy cuz she's never late. At 12:30 my friend Denise started saying that we should just leave (she had a project she needed to work on for CS anyway), so I convinced her to stay until 12:45 and we started the crossword in the Daily Cal. Around 12:40 someone in the class finally says, "So how long are we all going to stay here?" And then some guy from the front of the class says he'll write a note on the board saying we were there and about half of the class leaves. So, he writes the note saying we stayed until 12:45pm but didn't know what to do without her there so we were going to leave. At this point, about half the class leaves. (Some guy comes running in right about now, all out of breath, only to find no class going on.)
Denise and I decide to check the GSI office/tutoring room, but she's not there either. Meanwhile, one of the guys has gone into the side room (where the other GSIs hang when a class is using the lab) to ask them if they knew where Sharon was. So Denise and I get back and find the guy saying that the other GSIs don't know where she is either. Then a GSI from Bogg's lecture (I'm in Yu's) comes out and reiterates what the guy just said and tells us that she can give us the worksheet we were doing that day which was Fluid Dynamics but she can't give us scores or anything. Thing is, turns out our class is ahead of the rest of the sections, since we had already done that worksheet. So now the other GSI is at a loss.
Next, the head GSI came into the lab, heading for the side room and kinda slowed down as he saw us. He keeps staring at us--picture half a section, gathered at the front of the lab wearing backpacks and mystified expressions, all directed at him now--as the GSI who was talking to us ushers him into the side room and closes the door. A few seconds later, he comes out just as Sharon walks through the door. It was 12:55.
So we got our midterms back, got the worksheet, and left.
Woohoo!! I just found out! PG & E owes us money!! LOTS of money!!! They totally overcharged Nancy, Alice and I this summer when we had that gigantic payment. So, now they owe us $50!!! Haha, so basically, Alice, Nancy and I payed for FIVE months of power in July. Dude.

Monday, November 17

Tonight I went to dinner with my old Small Group. Christina came up from LA and took us all to Pomegranate on University Ave. It was soooo yummy! We had hummus and pita bread. And then almost all nine of us ate the Pomegranate Chicken which is chicken in this sweet sauce (that is based on pomegranate juice) and garlic potatoes and these really yummy veggies.
All during dinner I kept hearing this strange noise, like the snort someone makes when they're laughing. Finally I realized it was coming from the table caddy-corner to ours that held a couple on a date. The snorting noise was, as far as I can tell, coming from the woman. But she wasn't laughing...she was just...snorting at random intervals. But it sounded like the kind of snort you can't control, you know the one? So, every so often during dinner, there'd be these little silences while everyone's mouth is full and suddenly, out of the quiet: SNORT!!
It was quite disconcerting.
After dinner, Christina took us out to Mondo Gelato. The two guys behind the counter kept trying to flirt with all of us. For example, everytime I looked up, one of them would be ready to ask which ice cream I wanted to try next. One of them, whenever I tried something, would launch into a detailed explanation of what the ice cream consisted of and he tried to make it sound all sauve. So, one time, I asked to try to Straccitella (soooOOOoooOOoOoOOOOOoooooOOo yummy people) and he started saying "This is the original and best chocolate chip ice cream in Berkeley that leaves a creamy after-taste and melts on your tongue." I was thinking "Just give me the sample spoon." I mean, I heard him give a watered down version of the same speech to the women next to us, but did he talk about their tongues...Heck no. *rolls eyes*
Thing is, I knew that guy from one of my classes last semester. I never know what to do in a situation like that. Do you say hello and tell them which class you had together? Do you just pretend that you don't remember them and be overly friendly? I mean, what if they remember you too, but since you didn't say anything they feel rebuffed? (I'm beginning to reach the conclusion that I think too much...*considers*)
Anyway, so it was really good to see Christina and everyone. And I finally got to hang out with Alice again! Yay! She and Devika and I really have to get together and do a roomie reunion. ^_^
Heh, I have WAY too much homework to be writing such a long blog entry. I have to read about a hundred pages in Invisible Man by Wednesday (no biggie), so I should get started. I'm so excited about reading Ralph Ellison! I read one of his essays and really liked the way he thought, so I'm hoping Invisible Man is like that. : )
All righty, I'm off to read Ellison!!

Go Faeries!!

Take the What Faery Are You? Quiz!

This quiz was made by lia

hmmm...interesting *strokes chin thoughtfullly* (especially since this is one of, like, five fairies they said i was like. haha)

Sunday, November 16

Hi again! My midterm is sooooo over! Yay! hehe
Now all I have to do is keep writing papers until Thanksgiving and after that it's a straight pass to Christmas break!!!!
Ankush left yesterday. :'( So sad. But we all have fun before he left. As you have probably already read in Devika's blog, Friday night, Dani's friends Ian and Justin came up from LA to visit. They were great fun and taught Ankush, Devika and I how to GAMBLE!!! *big grin* No no, it was more fun than it sounds. I now know how to BLUFF. *nods excitedly* I even tricked Ian!!! But before that, Justin, Ankush, Devika, and I played this game called Topple. Basically you put this round pieces on this board which is only balanced in the middle. The person who adds the lost piece before it topples loses point, etc. Now, I don't care what you've heard, but Ankush and Justin were AFTER ME!!! (Well, to be fair, I think Justin just wanted all the pieces to fall again and again. And Ankush was probably after me cuz I told him that if he knocked my pieces off again, he'd have to sleep on the couch. hehe? *clears throat* ANYway.) But it was still fun. : )
Then I went over to Ankush's and we hung out until my mom came to pick me up for the weekend. I spent the rest of the weekend at my aunt's where we decided to watch a movie. Why? Why do we always want to watch a movie? We KNOW that we can't agree on one movie to save our lives. I mean, come on people.
So, Tyler and I ended up going to Blockbuster to get movies...and we came back with stand-up comedy. But not the stand up comedians that I know and love. No no. We came back with George Carlin and Margaret Cho. Neither of whom I particularly enjoy. We all knew this, but at this point we were just too tired to look anymore. :-p
Today, my mother and I went about the fascinating and exciting project of grocery shopping. Yay! I have food!!!
Now I am going to go and either a) Take a nap or b) do some homework or c) watch Danica beat Mario Kart. Again.

Friday, November 7

Okay, I know what I said. But...I don't want to study all the time! *sigh* I'm such a bad student. :-p
Tonight, instead of working on either of my two papers which are due next week or studying for my physics midterm, I am going over to Ankush's for movie time. Hehe. I like movie time. Esp. at Ankush's cuz he has a nice comfy bed to watch on. And there's plenty of room, unlike in our living room with the small couch. It's good for up to two or three (if small) people. After that, people are stuck on the floor. :-p
Yeah, okay, forgive my rambling. I got about twenty minutes of sleep last night. Well, that was this morning around 10. So, I have an excuse for being weird other than the fact that I just am. Hehe. Right. Okay.
I think I need some sleep. :-p

Wednesday, November 5

Okay, I'm back. But just for you, Devika! :) All the rest of you on the other hand...*looks stern* ;) Just kidding.
You won't hear from me for a few days as I am in the midst of a) studying for my next physics midterm which I am DETERMINED to do better on than the last one *shudders*; b) rewriting an essay for English which is harder than it sounds; c) a project for my EPS class. (For all you non-Berkeley types, EPS stands for Earth and Planetary Sciences.) All of these things are due next Monday or Wednesday. Sooooooo, I will be disappearing into The Dungeon (aka Moffit Library) for the next week or so. *sigh* On top of this, I will be spending most of my free time (hah! "free time"! that's a laugh) with Ankush because he leaves next Friday and won't be back until January.
Right now, however, I am off to my Irish class. It was cancelled on Monday, so this class is going to be HECTIC. I can just see Esther (prof) trying to fit both Monday's and Wednesday's schedules into one class period. : p hehe
Talk to you in a week or so!

Monday, November 3

I have nothing to say to you people.
*sticks nose in air and walks away*

Sunday, November 2

*singing* It's raaaaaaining, it's pooooouring!!
*clears throat* Sorry, I like rain. Hehe. I couldn't figure out what it was at first cuz it was so sudden. It sounded like air rushing through the window or something. Only...the window wasn't open. *Twilight Zone theme* So I went out to the living room to see if it was raining outside. But it didn't look like it, so I was terribly confused. And then Alice thought I wanted to know the time, which confused me further cuz all she said was "Eight thirteen." I was that code or something?? But eventually I decided to go check the inner courtyard thingy and sure enough, there was RAIN!!!!!!
How is everyone doing? Sorry I haven't updated in a while.
Time for a NEWS FLASH!
Halloween: I went to the Castro with Ankush, Devika, Danica, Bhavik, Niyati, Pratna and...crap...ahhhhhh I can't remember her name! She was in Devika's dance! And she has long black hair! And I think she lives with Pratna and Niyati...*grumble* Curses!
This weekend: I spent the whole thing doing NOTHING. I slept most of it away, which surprised me. I never sleep as it is, but sleeping too much?? Weird. I've never slept a whole day before, but on Sat, guess what I did. That's right, I slept until five. FIVE!!!! (Okay, so I woke up a few times to talk to Maggie on the phone, but it was only for about half an hour at a time, so it doesn't count.)
So, I've been trying to get tickets for Trilogy Tuesday for my bro for his bday. Unfortunately, the scalpes have FOILED ME!!!! *sniffle* It's no fair. How dare they buy all the tickets!!!!!!!!!! *wailing* And now they're selling them for hundreds of dollars!!!
I guess that's all for now. I wonder what homework I was supposed to do this weekend. *shrugs* Oh well.

Tuesday, October 28

ack! no time to post!!! new, what's new.
i have a halloween costume.
i went to visit michael at college (he's at ucsc). that was AWESOME.
my mom came back from amsterdam.
i hung out with my brother and my aunt.
sparky came and hung out with me in sc. YAY!!! i hadn't seen her in WAY too long. it was soooo exciting. ^_^
that's all for now. gotta go get homework done so i can hang with ankush.

Sunday, October 19

Sparky: ok, so i know michael is on the second floor and i go into one of the buildings and there is no second floor and i get lost so i try to go into the other one.
Me: hahaha
Sparky: there's a class and a little door off to the side and a lady behind a desk who i figures knows what's up. so i go to talk to her and she says "well you can't just come in we don't know who you are"
Me: hmmm
Sparky: so I say "ok can you call him?" and she says "what's his number" and i can't find it so i say "he's on the second floor."
Me: hahahaha
Sparky: She says "there is no michael there, get out. So I start to leave and i see a little door i know goes into the dorm part of the building. This dude is walking through and I kind of smile at him and slip in behind him like i used to do when i was visiting you, as though i lived in the dorm. i'm in the first floor...which turns out to be really small, and all blue.
Me: whoa...
Sparky: there's a rickety spiral staircase in the corner which i climb to get to the second floor....which turns out to be TINY. Like the size of my table. and there are three doors and all of them are really small. really. small.
Sparky: so, anyway, i say "MICHAEL MANGO!" and it thunders authoritatively and there's no one around and I hear michael say "what I can't hear you"
Sparky: and I go "MICHAEL!"
Sparky: and then i woke up.
Sparky: wtf? Dude, dreams are so weird.

Monday, October 13

Here we are. A brand new post for all you readers out there in CyberLand.
This weekend was fun. Friday, I went out to dinner with Kristina, Yosinta, Kelly and Sarah. We went to Cancun. After that there were some antics by Kristina and Kelly. Then we all went and got Coldstone's. (Interesting note, Friday night all girls were working at CS; on SATURDAY three really hot guys were working. Why WHY couldn't their shift be friday??? I couldn't go in on Saturday. *sniffle*) Then Kristina and I were going to work on our project for EPS. We got a chart made for one of the seven questions and then we gave up. We kept getting distracted. Haha. We even watched TV for half an hour with Danica.
Then on Saturday, I went shopping with my mom!!! It was fun! She bought me all sorts of new clothing. We had lots of fun. And then she bought me food too!!! It was soooooo exciting.
Then, I embarassed myself in front of a hot Brazillian guy, ruining Danica's chances of a date at the same time. Luckily, she has assured me that she isn't actually interested in the guy. She just thinks he's cute cuz he passes for Italian. I say, embrace the Brazillian-ness. Well, if she doesn't want him, maybe I'll try to introduce him to Kristina. She LOVES Latin-American men. hehe, maybe I should check with Dani first.
Sunday: I missed a meeting. I worked on my homework. Myung made us dinner. You know, that sort of thing.
Okay, gotta go to class soon!

Thursday, October 9

Hey guys! Sorry I haven't posted in a few days...again...Anyway. So, I haven't had the best few days here. But I won't go into the details, since you all probably already know anyway. Like I said to Ankush last night: "Life sucks and then you die." Okay, so I don't ACTUALLY feel that way. But sometimes it seems like it.
But on to happier things!
My mom is taking me shopping this weekend. *rubs hands together* Muahahahhaa More clothing for Kaitlin! =D Kristina and I will be spending our Friday night working on a project for EPS. : p Krayola is going just splendidly!! The kids are sooo cute. And we had them sign a card for the company that donated $200 to us. They were all really excited about signing their names. Some of them came across the room to do it (I was bringing the card around to every table). *sigh* Kids are great.
Can I get people's opinion? Is it better to be nice and get stepped on, or to protect yourself at the risk of hurting others? At this point, I really am lost, so I'd really appreciate the feedback. : |
Gotta go for now.

Saturday, October 4

Oh my god. My poor Giants. Can you believe it?? My BABIES!!!!! *tries to contain tears*
Today, I went with a group of NSCS people to do community service at the Gateway Garden and Pavillion in the North Hills. We spread mulch (redwood chips in this case) evenly about two inches thick on this hilly area. (sounds easy, doesn't it?) And then we hacked at the rocky dirt across the road to get these scraggly weeds out. They had the worst thorns I had ever seen! I mean, one plant even had thorns on it's LEAVES!!!!!!! As Natasha said, that plant had a real attitude problem. My shoulders and back feel like they're going to burn away. It was really really hard and tiring, but soooooooo fun! I'm so glad I went. ^_^ The great thing about these projects is that you can actually see how much you accomplished; the product is right there in front of you. Other things, you have to image how much you've gotten done. Like studying. You can't really see how much you know. But I could see exactly how much work I finished.
Nancy and I just watched this movie on HBO called "Real Women Have Curves." While I agree with the sentiment, the movie was not that great. The interesting part is the girl in it looks exactly like an older version of a girl I went to elementary school with in LA. Her name was America (I remember cuz she made us all call her Georgia cuz she was embarassed by her name. I always thought it rather odd that she changed her name from a country to a STATE. How is that better?) and the actress' name was--you guessed it--America Ferrera. Okay, so I don't remember elementary school girl's last name. But Ferrera sounds oddly right. Sadly, the only thing I remember about her (aside from her odd choice in names) was that she was kinda spoiled and bossy, and she had this really embarassing incident one time...I felt really bad for was uber bad...Anyway.
Okay, I have lots and lots of homework to do. I'll ttyl!!!

Friday, October 3

"Never be afraid to try something new. Remember: a lone amateur built the Ark; a large group of professionals built the Titanic."
~Dave Barry

Thursday, October 2

holy crap...that's really long...sorry
All right, all right! I'm sorry! Here's your update!! *looks scared*
Wow, I really haven't updated in awhile. Let's see. I spent the weekend studying and hanging out with Devi, Dani, and Eric, with a little Ankush thrown in. Eric came up to visit on Saturday and we all got really really dressed up and went out to dinner to this restaurant called "Bucci's". Actually, Bucci wasn't very friendly and she got kinda upset when we only had four people instead of five. It was kind of ridiculous, actually.
Ankush was supposed to come with us, but at the last minute his boss threatened to fire him if he didn't come in to work. So, he looked really nice for all the donut eaters of Berkeley. That's probably why King Pin's was so busy when we got there. ; )
Anyway, silly stuff went down at dinner (but what do you expect from a group containing Danica, Devika and I?) and we had lots of fun. And then afterwards, Devika and Eric and I went over to Ankush's to "watch a movie" and have a fire. Well, the fire happened, but the movie never did. We were all too tired, I guess.
It was exciting to get to wear my red dress finally! I've been wanting an excuse ever since Anthony and I broke up. And now I had one! Muahahahaha!!!!
Then...the bad stuff came...And it came in the form of *pauses for suspense* a physics midterm!!!!!!! Yeah, so that happened on Monday, so I spent all of Sunday prepping. I was so into it that I didn't even make dinner and I was freaking out. So, Danica made me dinner. It was so nice of her. She made me eggs, and toast, and gave me a glass of juice! I was studying like a madwoman!!!
After my midterm (which of course was...very hard and the first problem tricked me up because he gave us this weird conversion and AHHHHHH I won't think about it) I went over to Kristina/Emer's because Kristina was planning a surprise birthday party for Emer. That was fun. Emer was sooooo surprised. Haha
After the party, Ankush and I went to asian ghetto for food. And then my parents came and picked me up and took me over to my aunt's house for the night because my dad was flying out on Tuesday. So i woke up on Tuesday and my family went out to breakfast and then we dropped my brother off at work. Then my parents drove me back over here and we dropped off the food my aunt decided I needed and then my parents dropped me off at Krayola. After Krayola my lab for physics was cancelled (soooo exciting). So, I came home and did pretty much nothing all day long. I had started feeling sick the night before, though, so the lounging was welcome.
Danica and I went to dinner with Devi at the dc. By now, I was REALLY feeling ill. So, I came back to the apt and collapsed on the bed for a while. (I didn't sleep though.)
Then yesterday I woke up at my alarm for physics, but I just couldn't get myself up. I just felt tooooooo awful!!! So, I didn't go to physics. And then I had a "midterm" in English. Basically, he gave us 11 quotations and we had to name the poet and poem they were from. Kinda tricky, but nothing major. It's worth 20% of our grade though. *shrugs* Whatever.
Then I had to have a conversation with my teacher in Irish. Luckily, I mananged to say "ta slagdan orm" when she asked me how I was and she left me alone pretty much. (translation: i have a cold) So then I came back to the apt, watched Nightmare Before Christmas and attempted a nap. Unfortunately, the apt was a little loud yesterday, so no nap for me. *sigh*
Then Danica and I met up with Devika again for DC food.
Then, for some odd reason, I ended up watching the premier of Angel on the WB. *shakes head in disbelief* I NEVER watch tv...
I was soooo tired this morning...actually...i still am...I think I'm gonna take a nap...
Oh. I almost forgot to announce this. *clears throat importantly* I am going to marry Tyson Ritter. I asked Danica if it was okay and she said yes. So now all I have to do is go find the bloke and propose. I'm sure he'll say yes....right?
So that is the update on my life. Today has been entirely unexciting. Oh wait! I did go into walgreen's today and see a bunch of christmas stuff. I was like...uh...what? It's only October. I mean, they don't even have all their halloween stuff out yet. It was quite funny. I ended up stopping in the middle of walgreen's staring at this display and giggling under my breath. I'm sure I looked like a freak, but it was so funny I didn't care.
All righty then. I suppose I should go do homework. You's funny but it really does feel like it should be, like, late november right now. I don't wanna skip over Halloween or anything, but the weather is messing with my mind. *looks paranoid*
Oh! I started doing a new club. It's called PFCS and you joing through NSCS (the honor society I was inducted into earlier in September). I didn't get to go this week, but I'm going next Monday. I'm thinking of trying to switch to a different day though...hmmm...I dunno.
Okay, really going this time.

Friday, September 26

This was my favorite poem for awhile. Still is one of them I think. ^_^ It always made me feel kinda sad and happy at the same time. Like this person really loves someone, and that's happy. But at the same time...the other person doesn't love them back...Don't ya hate that feeling? *sigh* God am I depressing tonight...Anyway, here's the poem!!!

When you are old and gray and full of sleep  
And nodding by the fire, take down this book,  
And slowly read, and dream of the soft look  
Your eyes had once, and of their shadows deep;  
How many loved your moments of glad grace,
And loved your beauty with love false or true;  
But one man loved the pilgrim soul in you,  
And loved the sorrows of your changing face.  
And bending down beside the glowing bars,  
Murmur, a little sadly, how love fled
And paced upon the mountains overhead,  
And hid his face amid a crowd of stars.  
~William Butler Yeats
in a recent conversation:

Kaitlin: dang...darren hayes is hot...
Ankush: o yea
Ankush: you see the way he shook?
Kaitlin: hehe, and slap his butt?
Kaitlin: dang, soooo sexy
Kaitlin: devi is so lucky she's stuck with him for eternity
Ankush: its like an orgasm in your eyes

I will arise and go now, and go to Innisfree,  
And a small cabin build there, of clay and wattles made;  
Nine bean rows will I have there, a hive for the honey bee,  
And live alone in the bee-loud glade.  
And I shall have some peace there, for peace comes dropping slow,
Dropping from the veils of the morning to where the cricket sings;  
There midnight's all a glimmer, and noon a purple glow,  
And evening full of the linnet's wings.  
I will arise and go now, for always night and day  
I hear lake water lapping with low sounds by the shore;
While I stand on the roadway, or on the pavements gray,  
I hear it in the deep heart's core.
~William Butler Yeats
I'm back after a long hiatus. Well, not that long. I can't seem to make myself go to bed. So now you are going to hear all my ramblings. ^_^ Don't you just love me?
*sigh* Physics is an evil discipline which needs to stop tormenting my poor mind. *nods matter-of-factly*
Irish is still fun. But my teacher DEFINITELY has an irish temper. Dang, scared o' that.
EPS is the same thing over and over again. At least it's kind of interesting.
English is awesome at the moment. I love Yeats. He so rocks. In fact, I'm going to post two of his poems after I post this. That's right TWO. You don't have to read them, but I'm not "feeling the love"* right now, so you'll just have to suffer through it. Sorry.
The other night Devika, Danica and I decided we had to parade around the apartment wearing our new dresses (which we are wearing out this weekend with Eric and Ankush ^_^) and high heels. It was so exciting. Alice was even nice enough to "ooh" and "ahh" a bit for us. :-p
I was kinda moody tonight...I hope I didn't make anyone else down.
You know what? I'm just not very happy at the moment. (I mean this specific moment, not this period of my life.)
Perhaps that is my cue to go for now...:-*muah*
* quote from an old friend in one of moments

Tuesday, September 23

*sigh* why is it doing that?
What's up? O_o I like that face. It's quite cute. Yesterday, my friend Brendan told me that I elongate my vowels too much. (He's a writer, and so must encourage correct grammar.) Which statement brought to my attention the fact that I bend the rules of grammar a bit too frequently in my everyday life. Therefore, I am practicing my writing etiquette. *sits very straight in seat*...
That very boring.
Okie dokie, I'm BACK! Woohoo!!! *happily dances around room*
Actually, now I have to go because I am in desperate straights when it comes to the homework situation.
*muah*! ^_^
What's up? O_o I like that face. It's quite cute. Yesterday, my friend Brendan told me that I elongate my vowels too much. (He's a writer, and so must encourage correct grammar.) Which statement brought to my attention the fact that I bend the rules of grammar a bit too frequently in my everyday life. Therefore, I am practicing my writing etiquette. *sits very straight in seat*...
That very boring.
Okie dokie, I'm BACK! Woohoo!!! *happily dances around room*
Actually, now I have to go because I am in desperate straights when it comes to the homework situation.
*muah*! ^_^

Sunday, September 21

Hiiii!!! Yes, I am quite hyper today. ^_^ I have also just discovered the All-American Rejects. OMG!!! I LOVE them!!!!!!!!!!!!
I went to a party last night at Lyndsay's co-op. Maggie and her friend Sarah came over from Oakland to go, too. That was awesome. : )
After the party, we headed over to Ankush's. Actually, we ran into Ankush and Anthony walking back to Ankush's place on OUR way to his place. That was funny. They had pizza. I stole some of Ankush's. *big grin*
So. I have decided that I WILL go to Physics tomorrow. *shakes fist* I am DETERMINED!!!!
I am being sooooo lazy and procrastinating so much. *sigh* But Devi is here! I have an excuse!!! YAY! :-p
I heard from Michael yesterday! That was exciting. He says college is "neat". hehehe I am so glad he's having fun. College is GREAT!!!!!!
Okay, I will be writing again later. For now I will bid you ADIEU!!

Saturday, September 20

Wow, it's been a while. What have I done since that last post? Not a lot. (Note: If you want a detailed account of the SF trip, look at Devika's blog. ^_^)
I went to a party with Ankush and his friends Christine and Michelle on Thursday. The party was okay. *shrugs*
Yesterday was exciting. I went to the Superb movie thing at Wheeler with Nancy, Ari, Alice and Myung. We were supposed to be meeting their friend Stephen, but he was already inside and we didn't realize it. They were showing a Brazilian movie called City of God. It was soooooooo good!!!!! I loved it! It was so well done. *sighs*
Today is going to be hectic. Devika and I are shopping for decorations for Danica's Mom's party. Then we have to decorate the apt. After the party we're going to the Zakir Hussein concert in Zellerbach. I'm excited!!! My Dad knows of him and his reputation and he was so excited for me. I was, this guy must be good. Sometime before the concert, Maggie is coming over from Oakland cuz she's going to go to a party with me tonight. The party is after the concert at Lyndsay's co-op.
Then after the party comes my favorite part:
All right, must fly!

Thursday, September 18

Once again, I am posting from Devi's room. ^_^ She and Ankush are quite intrigued by his new magic eye book, so they're looking at that. : p I, on the other hand, am still unwinding from a three hour physics session tonight. That was sucky. But at least Tristan was with me, so I didn't get TOO bored. ; )
I can't believe it's only Wednesday. It feels like it's been about three weeks since the week started. I have that stupid induction thingy tomorrow night. Ewwwww. I don't wanna go. : ( It's going to be long and boooooooooring. AND I have to wear "business casual" to it. I feel like such a poser in my business-y outfit. *sigh* I'm not looking forward to this. But at least Lyndsay is going to be there, too.
Yesterday, I went to SF with Devika, Danica and Kristin. (Kristin is their friend from way back who came to visit for a few days. She's really nice.) It was sooooooooo fun. I got new shirts. (I'm such a clothing-aholic.)
Oh dear, Devi needs her computer now. I shall report again!!!!

Wednesday, September 17

I'm here reporting from the dorm room of one Devika Shankar. (Yay! hehehe) Well, she was showing me poems that she likes and it made me think of this poem I found in a random novel once. So, I looked it up online and, lo and behold, there were stanzas I'd never seen!!! Anyway, here is the poem (it's one of my favorites). ^_^

The Great Minimum
by G.K. Chesterton

It is something to have wept as we have wept,
It is something to have done as we have done,
It is something to have watched when all men slept,
And seen the stars which never see the sun.

It is something to have smelt the mystic rose,
Although it break and leave the thorny rods,
It is something to have hungered once as those
Must hunger who have ate the bread of gods.

To have seen you and your unforgotten face,
Brave as a blast of trumpets for the fray,
Pure as white lilies in a watery space,
It were something, though you went from me today.

To have known the things that from the weak are furled,
Perilous ancient passions, strange and high;
It is something to be wiser than the world,
It is something to be older than the sky.

In a time of sceptic moths and cynic rusts,
And fatted lives that of their sweetness tire,
In a world of flying loves and fading lusts,
It is something to be sure of a desire.

Lo, blessed are our ears for they have heard;
Yea, blessed are our eyes for they have seen:
Let thunder break on man and beast and bird
And the lightning. It is something to have been.

*sigh* Isn't that WONDERful???? And the best part is, it really reflects the way I've been feeling lately. (That's a good thing. :p) I mean, I really have been thinking that way for the last few days. (Well, not the parts about forgotten faces, etc. But the basic idea.) Okay, Devi wants her computer back now. ^_^

Sunday, September 14

Well. Okay, so many people are unhappy with me at the moment. I'm not happy with me either. But that's not the point. The point is this: I AM SORRY. I love you all. :-I went to the White Stripes concert last night. Sooooo cool! I LOVE them. Sooo much!!!
Now that I've gone to one concert, I'm awaiting my next one. The Strokes are playing soon, I think in SF. And the VelvetTeen is playing locally soon too.
Okay, gotta go, lunch with Tristan is approaching. So, I must get dressed. ^_^
(i really am sorry)

Thursday, September 11

What ho, amiable vulpines? (hehehe) My school day was so wonderfully short! And I think I am starting to understand my physics! yay! ^_^
Oh my gosh! I just looked at Devika's away message (I look at people's away messages when I'm bored sometimes...yes, I know, I need a life) and saw the COOLEST quote. I mean, it really made me feel...different after I read it. I don't know why, maybe it's just because of where I am in my life right now. *shrugs* I have recorded it here for posterity:

"All that is gold does not glitter,
Not all those who wander are lost,
The old tht is strong does not wither,
Deep roots are not reached by the frost,

From the ashes a fire shall be woken,
A light from the shadows shall spring
Renewed shall be the blade that was broken,
The crownless again shall be king."

*sighs dreamily* I love it. Who is it by, Devika??? Pleeeeeease tell me!! (I must add: Poems are Devika's "thing" not mine.)
All righty, I'm off. [Sparky: I really really really miss you!!! :(]
I'll talk to you all later!
Haha, the day you all hear me sing...;)

Wednesday, September 10

Woohoo! Success! The accents are juuuuuuust right. ^_^
Good afternoon! ^_^ And how are all of you on this FINE afternoon? I sure hope you're all WONDERful!!!!
Irish was so cool today. I'm so glad I'm taking this class. I mean, it's a hard class, but still, it makes me happy. :) hehe
I heard the most beautiful song in that class, and I am going to force you to read the first and last verses + the chorus. muahahaha

Ná habair m’ainm
leis an bhean a labharfaidh
i’m dhiaidh i do chluais.
A bhéarfaidh aniar chughat
gealach is grian mar dhuais.
Ná habair gur seana-scéal é sin
a chuala tú uaim fadó.

Éist do bhéal
Éist do bhéal is bí ciúin
don chéad uair i do shaol
bí ciúin, is éist do bhéal
do bhéilín bán, éist do bhéal.

Má chíonn tú i mbrionglóid
mé ag siúl cois toinne
lem’ stuafhear rua
gan fáinne ar mhéar
gan scáil ar ár gcraiceann gan smál.
Ná habair gur seana-scéal é sin
a chuala tú uaim fadó.

It sounds so beautiful in Irish. It's not quite as cool in English, so you don't get a translation. MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! There's another verse between those two, but it's kinda weird, so I won't include it here. hehehe *sigh* I'm so mean. Hmmm....I hope the accents turn out right...I don't want any weird symbols in my post...oh well.
You know, it's horrible. The only homework I want to do is my Irish homework. I never get anything else done. *sigh*
Speaking of homework. I need to send an email to my Irish prof, so I'll post again soon. I promise! ^_^

Sunday, September 7

Hey people! Kristina, Emer, you guys threw a great party!! Woohoo!
Yeah, so, this weekend sucked ass.
I know y'all think it helps, but please stop blaming him? Sorry, I'm just not angry with him. This is not totally his fault. I definitely had a hand in it...quite a large hand...actually, the size resembled one those #1 hands they sell at baseball games...*sigh* Right then.
You know, I realized that I give one answer when asked how I am: "I'm okay." The sky could be falling and I would say, "I'm okay."
Now for the fun stuff!
I have GOALS people. Real, live goals. ;) I will:
-get out more and meet new people.
-attempt to get better about doing my homework BEFORe the last minute
-try to forgive myself for my sins
-most important: I will spend the rest of my friendships with people trying to make up for those sins. :(
I love my friends. They are the best in the world.
*muah* : \

Saturday, September 6

Report from the dorms:
Currently Deutch is rather quiet. Devi ran to the bathroom, so here I am trying to amuse myself. We're watching Alex & Emma. It's pretty cute so far. Amazing, I believe I've found a Kate Hudson movie that I actually enjoy!!! *awed*
Luke Wilson is so cool. (That had to be said.)
Well, Devi will be back soon I hope. So, I should post and be on my way. ^_^
*muah* *muah*

Thursday, September 4

Eric: I am terribly sorry that I dropped math. I assure you that I will be taking math 53 next semester; at which time Ankush will be taking it with me! Yay!
I really need to relax this weekend. I have been very high strung lately. Not that I am apologizing for some of the things I've done. Some things just have to be done...
God, I have so much on my mind right now.*sigh* I need to think things through before I make any rash moves. I just need to keep telling myself that. *looks serious*
Whoa! That's just a little too serious for MY blog...
So, you like the red dress, do you Ankush? *big wink*
I have great plans for that dress...*grin* I wonder what would happen if people saw me in it...hehehe I wonder if anyone would be shocked. teehee *giggles into hand*
I want an excuse to wear it! *grumble*
Things to do tonight:
1) stop acting stupid
2) take a shower
3) sleeeeeeeeeeep
4) hang out with devika, danica, and ankush
Not in that specific order. ^_^

Wednesday, September 3

Don't you hate it when you do something that makes you look really stupid? All because you were misinformed?? *bangs head on table*
Oh well. *sigh*
So, now that I have decided to drop math, I feel so much less stressed. It's really rather amazing! I think I'm going to add an Earth and Planetary Sciences class to fill up the necessary units. I don't know yet though.
Okay, it's late. I just wanted to fill everyone in! ^_^

Thursday, August 28

Sorry it's been awhile folks. I have been very very busy with things.
I'm back in school now, taking math, physics, english and irish (language). All my classes look pretty hard. Well, actually, physics doesn't seem all that hard yet. Except for the fact that WebAssign hates me. *glares at access card*
And I've been pretty upset about stuff lately, which has brought me down. Really not a good thing since I've been so sick lately. So, instead of worrying and worrying about it (like i usually do) I talked to some friends about it, which kind of helped...but not really. Still a little upset. :-Wow...this is actually a slightly depressed post. Better liven things up a bit here!
Let's see now...
I bought a dress a couple weeks ago...I need to find an excuse to wear it. Unfortunately, one is not presenting itself. But I am still holding out hope! ^_^ Gareth and Ankush assure me it's quite nice. *big grin* I hope they're right! I'll give you a little hint about it: it's red.
Was that enough spiciness for ya? No??
Too bad, it's too late (or early maybe) to have to think up something to say!!
*muah*!! bye!! :)

Friday, August 8

Hi y'all!!!
Woohoo!!! It's another weekend!!!! YAYAYAYAY!
All right, I know, too much excitement. But I can't help it! My friend David is coming to visit me and he is my very first visitor from home! :-D I am so excited.
Also, I am feeling a little less tired than I have been recently. And that is ALWAYS good! hehe
I wish I could say that I am going to be a good hostess (i.e. very entertaining) this weekend, but I'm afraid that I won't be seeing as (lately) I've been getting really really tired around 9 every night. But that's okay! I'll use caffeine. Caffeine is my friend! ^_^
All righty, must fly! *Muah*!

Monday, August 4

9 days left!!!! YAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!!!! I'm so excited. :-p
So, Emer has enlightened me on the wearing of the claddagh!
"on the claddagh: the heart of the claddagh stands for love, the hands stand for friendship, and the crown stands for loyalty. i have never heard anything about wearing it on a right or left hand, however, i imagine that you do wear it on the left since it is a wedding band (wedding rings are on the left i think??!) but so yeah if you point it in, you're taken, out, you are not." Sounds simple, huh? ^_^
Woohoo! Knowledge is mine! Thanks Emer!!!
Suckiness: When I go up to FB for the week I have between summer session and fall semester, Sparky is GONE!!! SUCKAGE! *grumble*
My friend David might come down this weekend. Yay! If he does, we'll have soooo much fun!! *dances around room*
Anthony comes back soon. *smiles happily*
MUAH! Bye bye!

Friday, August 1

Two weeks of summer session left! : p Wahooooooo!!! *looks excited* And then, after that, I get a WEEK at home!! A WHOLE WEEK! :-\ And then I start math 53!! *thumbs up*
But, Anthony'll come back from Burbank, so that's really exciting. And Devi will be back!!! YAY! And Lyndsay!!! In fact, EVERYONE will be back! ^_^
All right people, I need some help: I've been trying to figure out the traditional wearing of the claddagh. I was always told that by wearing the ring on your RIGHT hand with the CROWN pointing towards your fingertips, you are informing the world you are "taken" and if the CROWN is pointing towards your heart, you are available. And, of course, wearing it on your left hand means you are married, so I won't be wearing it like that. ; ) However, I walked into a store and someone made a comment about the way I was wearing my ring. They asked me "Is it just friendship or love?" I looked down, and I had the ring on upside down (meaning the CROWN was pointing towards my heart), sooooo...does that mean I have it wrong? I'm confused.
So, if anyone could help me out here, I would be quite grateful. I mean, I'm Irish, I should know this stuff!!! : p hehe
Okay, love you guys! *muah*

Monday, July 21

Weekly update!!
Let's see...Next week is my midterm, so i'm trying to boost my understanding of math...And I'm trying to keep my attitude straight.
We finally paid the PG&E bill! Yay! So that's out of the way now! Woohoo!
Now it's time to start finding a job...that could be harder than expected. *shrugs* But I am up for the challenge!!! hehe
My mother may come down this weekend. She wants to help out and take me shopping and stuff so i don't have to worry about all that on top of my midterm. Isn't she nice?
Dude...the people next door have REALLY loud music...the bass is up soooo high! it's insane, i swear.
Okay, i can't concentrate in here anymore. I guess i'll head to the living room. Ttyl! *muah*

Thursday, July 17

Sorry, this was my philosophical day. ^_^
Things I've Learned Today:
1) When cooking for yourself, dinner really is an hour long affair.
2) Jealousy is never pretty and is hardly ever logical.
3) The sunlight is prettiest when you aren't dying from heat.
4) Bad things happen to good people, but good things happen too.
5) Math isn't shitty, my attitude is.
6) Some people have eyes that draw you in and don't let go until they look away.
7) Sometimes they never really let go.
8) Flirting is the best of sports.
9) Cookies solve all sorts of problems.
10) Friends are grrrreat!

Tuesday, July 8

Hmmm...apparently they have changed my blog...the posting thingy is weird...*looks wary* I dunno about this...
Anyway, hi! long time no write!
New in my life: School. I am back at school. Why did I decide to do summer school? Well, it's a long story. Mostly because a) I need the class for my tentative major and b) Cuz I'd be bored in Mendocino for 3 whole months.
I wish I'd stayed.
Math 1B is soooooooooo hard. Mostly just because the class is so fast paced. We do a new section every day. Ahhhhhh!!!
I've been feeling a little down and out the last few days. Not really sure why, but it's tainting my view on the whole world and all of humanity. *narrows eyes* Not cool. Hopefully I'll get over it soon. : )
Changing my hair didn't get rid of my boredom. So, I got new holes in my ears too. :p That helped a little, amazingly enough. I'm still kinda bored though.
Let's hope I don't put holes anywhere else...that'd be bad...
Okay, I should go. *muah*

Tuesday, June 10

Well, it looks as though my internet is FINALLY fixed! Thanks to a wonderful man named Sage. He is now my own personal god. After I finish this entry, I will be heading off to build my little Sage shrine...
Okay people, still needing ideas for Anthony's birthday!!! Maybe I'll have to call Devika. *glares at readers* Get on the ball people!!!!

Tuesday, June 3

Back again! I'm so tired. I've been trying to nap all day (I got about four and a half hours of sleep last night) but something ALWAYS intervened. Oh well. Sigh. I guess I'll go to sleep early tonight if I can.
At least I finished everything I needed to do. I had so much stuff to do that I actually made a To Do list. It was crazy. All I need to do now is spend old gift certificates from graduation gifts. : )
So, tomorrow, it's off to Mendocino to buy books and then to the Surf Shop to get...God only knows what.
Ah! I don't know what to get Anthony for his birthday. Any ideas people? (Oh, I had a couple complaints that I wasn't updating all my news as I failed to post that Anthony and I are "together". Sorry I fell down on the job there. : p)
I also need to tell my family what I want for MY birthday. They are starting to fret. But I dunno what I want. Maybe I'll just ask for jewelry. *shrugs* Jewelry is always good.
Okay, I'm off again. Maybe I'll call Sparky and see what she's up to.

Friday, May 30

okay, now for the rest of my news...hmmm...i can't remember what it was...
I'm cutting my hair today. I'm just so bored, you know? My life needs a change, so, I'm taking the easy route to change: I'm messing with my hair. I'm thinking of taking three or four inches off, layering in the front. Maybe I'll dye it auburn...
I'm also getting two more holes in my ears. *nods* With twice the number of holes, I'll be able to buy twice as much jewelry. ^_^ hehe
I finished cleaning for now. I still haven't unpacked though. This could get bad. I've been here almost a week. I'm just digging through my suitcase for clothing. Scratch that, it's not going to get bad. It's already bad. :(
My hair appointment is in fifteen minutes. Next time you see me, hello CHANGE!

Thursday, May 29

Okay, so I haven't posted in a shoot me. : p
I'm HOME!!!! Wahooooo!!!
Actually, I'm having more fun at home than I thought I would. Thank goodness Sparky and Michael are around. I have NO idea what I would do without them. Haha, if you wanna hear a funny pot story, let me know and I'll send you the full scoop. Oh man...hahahahaha
Okay, so I took that freaking math final. Sooooo hard. Damn it.
Sparky and I went shopping today! Yay!
I'm getting my hair cut tomorrow. ^_^
Okay, I'm going to go clean my room now. It has reached the level of Emergency Situation. I'm surprised that nothing living is crawling around in here. (Aside from my cats that is...) Sigh, no no, it's not quite THAT bad.
I'll post again when I get a chance.

Wednesday, May 21

I saw a zombie today!! (Okay, so i just looked in the mirror, but it SO counts.) And I took my music final. That was a humbling experience. I need to study more. Last night, I hung out with Devika instead of studying. I mean, sure, she's leaving today, but I should have studied my notes a LITTLE bit more than i did...
And then, I got in bed, but Anthony called, so I talked to him for a while...And then I finally went to bed a little after 2...but I couldn't fall asleep. The room was too hot. I woke up this morning without any blankets and i was STILL hot. Gah!
I'm sooooo tired. Four hours of sleep, two nights in a row doesn't work for me.
All righty, I'm gonna take a nap before Devika gets back. Nighty night!!

Tuesday, May 20

One final down, two to go! Woohoo!!!
I still can't believe freshman year is essentially over. : (
Well, next year will be even BETTER!!! Cuz Nancy, Alice T., Danica and I have a REALLY COOL apartment. It's sooooo cute!!! I'm excited. (as if you couldn't tell)
A further development in Kaitlin's life: we now have mildew (or some other grotesque growth) in our carpet so it is making our room smell. ew ew EW.
Yeah, so that's pretty exciting in our lives. Every time we come in the room we get grossed out. Alice B. is smart and has started spraying Lysol on it. Perhaps we won't develop some horrible, deforming illness this way. ; )
Nancy and I are going to go to lunch soon. I'm really glad. Finals always make me sooooo hungry. I don't even know why. And I get incredibly hungry when I'm tired. I think that's a lack of energy thing though. *shrugs*
Time to start working on my next final: Music! yayayayay!!!

Sunday, May 18

Hahahaha, some conversations sound so...wrong. (This one was completely innocent, by the way.)
AstRoDevi (10:51:31 PM): same here
AstRoDevi (10:51:35 PM): i want it with a vengence
AstRoDevi (10:51:37 PM): sigh
godlovesawench (10:51:55 PM): There are going to be mass accidents on the 21st, dude.
AstRoDevi (10:51:59 PM): yeah, i want it SO bad
godlovesawench (10:52:00 PM): All work will cease.
AstRoDevi (10:52:04 PM): OMG
godlovesawench (10:52:33 PM): heh
godlovesawench (10:52:40 PM): that could be taken the wrong way out of context.

Nancy, I would like you to know that I would be HONORED to take part in your first Lord of the Rings experience. We can do a whole marathon of movies we have always meant to see but haven't! Like...I need to watch The Godfather movies. You need to see The Matrix. I need to see 12 Angry Men. You need to watch the Lord of the Rings. These are good goals. ^_^
Yes, The Matrix 2 was enjoyable, but cliffhangers annoy me. Grumble.
I have been studying ALL day. Well, okay, so I took a break in the middle to talk with Anthony. And my day didn't even start until 1. But these things are mere technicalities! I was able to finish a draft of my paper today. Woohoo!! And now I am working on physics. I am going to go visit Lyndsay. ; )

Saturday, May 17

Well. Finals suck.
Just thought I'd share. ^_^
Life is good. I saw the Matrix 2 yesterday. (No plot, all action.) Then, today I studied and studied, finally resting my tired brain for Kristina's birthday. Yay! We went to Zachary's down College Ave. Yummmmmmm. I love Zachary's. Not as much as I love West Coast Cheesey Sticks, but *shrugs* I don't believe they care what I think.
Tonight I plan on studying until I fall asleep, getting up tomorrow to rework my paper ALL day (with studying for physics in small doses). Then, on monday I will finish studying for physics. Yes. This is the plan. Will I stick to the plan? Heck no.
But that's okay. I will get it done.
I can't believe I have finished my first year of college! OMG!!! Ahhhhh!!! So crazy!!!
Okay, time to work on the paper which is leeching my soul of all hope and happiness. Bye bye! ^_^

Friday, May 16

I'm back! Sorry for the pause in my posting. ^_^
I haven't been up to much actually. Just going to class. Procrastinating in my studies. You know, the usual. Well, classes did end for the semester on Tuesday. I guess that could be consider exciting. *ponders* Eh, whatever.
Last night, I was in the lounge with Devika, Ankush, Richard and Sudeep and they were trying to drive me insane! I'm going to see the Matrix today, you see, and they all went last night or the day before. So, they kept making comments that would make me really curious. And Richard kept saying it was basically a porno. Now I'm not sure this is such a good idea...
But whatever. *sticks nose in the air* I don't believe him anyway.
Okay, well, I think I really need to do some studying now. So, I will be back later. ^_^

Monday, May 12

Okay, some people have been asking for the it is:
I scored a 92% on the "Are you a good Kisser?" Quizie! What about you?
Let's hope I can make this work!!! *crosses fingers*
Okay, some people have been asking for the it is:
I scored a 92% on the "Are you a good Kisser?" Quizie! What about you?
Let's hope I can make this work!!! *crosses fingers*

Sunday, May 11

Happy Mother's Day everyone!!!
I had a good day. ^_^ I woke up at 8:30 (okay, so it wasn't good then) and my mom picked me up around 10. We went back to my aunt's house where we had brunch (and my mother tried to force feed me eggs...that was bad) and my mom opened her gifts. She really liked my card. And my aunt, who is my Godmother, also got a card and she thought it was extremely funny. Then we all just hung out and talked, and then my mom brought me back here.
I love hanging with my family. Though...sometimes...they're a little weird. Maybe that's why I'm so crazy. :-p hehehehe
So, plans for tonight: Mucis essay, Math homework. End of story.
Okay, I should get started on that. Have a wonderful evening!!! ^_^

Saturday, May 10

Sleep awaits me...YAY!!! That's so have no idea...*sigh of happiness*
I have to wake up at 8:30 tomorrow morning so that I can call my mother at 8:45. Any other day I'd say "#&$^@ no!!!", but since it is Mother's Day...bleh.
What did I do today....well, I slept until 1:30. : ( I didn't like waking up to find half of my day gone. I've only been up for 9 hours and already I'm falling asleep in front of the computer. That's so not a goodness. After waking up, I got dressed (it was warm enough to wear a skirt today!! and i wasn't cold at ALL!!!! sunshine=warm=happy kaitlin) and went to renew a bunch of library books. Embarassed myself in the Anthro library and then again in the Moffit library. Let's just say, I don't do well socially with a lack of sleep. But it was exciting to walk around Berkeley on a warm Saturday.
Then I came back to the room. I was supposed to be working on a paper, but somehow it didn't get done. : P
I went to dinner with Lyndsay where we stuffed ourselves with donuts and fruit (let's just say her meal was healthier than mine) and were generally silly. Then, once again, I found myself back here. Where I have skimmed some of the intense reading for this week.
It is so time for bed. Meh. Night all!!!
Yes, I know, it is hecka late (or early, i guess). However, I spent the last hour or so riding up and down on the elevator with Richard and Devin on a couch. Hahaha. It was so fun. I didn't think anything like that would be so fun. Maybe it was because I was sitting on Richard's lap. He's really hot...hmmm...Just kidding. ; ) I am just kidding!!! sense of humor...
I went out to dinner with Nancy and Severin tonight. That was fun. Anthro 2 Crew ROCKS! hehehehe....yeah, it's late. Sorry.
Then I headed off with Ankush, first to waste my swipes, and eventually we caught up with Devika to watch the remains of The Royal Tenenbaums.
And I am still awake and it is 5 in the morning. Amazing. How am I still alive??
Okay, that's it. Good NIGHT!

Thursday, May 8

that was supposed to be there
oooooh, myyyyyyyy, GOODNESS

He's sooooooo HOT!!!
Oh my god, I am so tired. I couldn't sleep last night. I mean, sure, I got into bed at 3, but I couldn't sleep before that and then when I did get in bed, I couldn't fall asleep. Until around 5. I have to get up at 7:30. I was not a happy camper this morning when my alarm went off. I remember now that I couldn't even remember how to turn the damn thing off, I was so tired.
So I bought coffee this morning (which I never drink) and proceeded to spill it on one of my favorite shirts...Well, hopefully it will come out.
However, I am hoping my day will continue from here more smoothly. My mom is coming down for mother's day and is going to take me out to dinner tonight. Yummmm. I can't wait.
I haven't been alone with my mom since christmas vacation. Literally. Spring Break, my brother didn't leave the house cuz he was sick, so I didn't get any time alone with her. And whenever she comes down here, my aunt is always with us. So, this will be exciting.
Ack! I have to go to class. Ttyl! <3 (that looks more like an ice cream cone than a heart, dontcha think?)

Wednesday, May 7

Name: Kaitlin (aka Katie-did)
Sign: cusp of Gemini and Cancer
Height: 5'6" approx.
Weight: *shrug* I don't really weigh myself...I think around 130
Hair: brown, straight
Eyes: bluish-gray; some people think they're green (???)
Fave color: green
I don't really have any other favorites, so we'll skip those. : p
More later! *muah*
okay, i think i have it right now