Monday, July 21

Weekly update!!
Let's see...Next week is my midterm, so i'm trying to boost my understanding of math...And I'm trying to keep my attitude straight.
We finally paid the PG&E bill! Yay! So that's out of the way now! Woohoo!
Now it's time to start finding a job...that could be harder than expected. *shrugs* But I am up for the challenge!!! hehe
My mother may come down this weekend. She wants to help out and take me shopping and stuff so i don't have to worry about all that on top of my midterm. Isn't she nice?
Dude...the people next door have REALLY loud music...the bass is up soooo high! it's insane, i swear.
Okay, i can't concentrate in here anymore. I guess i'll head to the living room. Ttyl! *muah*

Thursday, July 17

Sorry, this was my philosophical day. ^_^
Things I've Learned Today:
1) When cooking for yourself, dinner really is an hour long affair.
2) Jealousy is never pretty and is hardly ever logical.
3) The sunlight is prettiest when you aren't dying from heat.
4) Bad things happen to good people, but good things happen too.
5) Math isn't shitty, my attitude is.
6) Some people have eyes that draw you in and don't let go until they look away.
7) Sometimes they never really let go.
8) Flirting is the best of sports.
9) Cookies solve all sorts of problems.
10) Friends are grrrreat!

Tuesday, July 8

Hmmm...apparently they have changed my blog...the posting thingy is weird...*looks wary* I dunno about this...
Anyway, hi! long time no write!
New in my life: School. I am back at school. Why did I decide to do summer school? Well, it's a long story. Mostly because a) I need the class for my tentative major and b) Cuz I'd be bored in Mendocino for 3 whole months.
I wish I'd stayed.
Math 1B is soooooooooo hard. Mostly just because the class is so fast paced. We do a new section every day. Ahhhhhh!!!
I've been feeling a little down and out the last few days. Not really sure why, but it's tainting my view on the whole world and all of humanity. *narrows eyes* Not cool. Hopefully I'll get over it soon. : )
Changing my hair didn't get rid of my boredom. So, I got new holes in my ears too. :p That helped a little, amazingly enough. I'm still kinda bored though.
Let's hope I don't put holes anywhere else...that'd be bad...
Okay, I should go. *muah*