Thursday, August 28

Sorry it's been awhile folks. I have been very very busy with things.
I'm back in school now, taking math, physics, english and irish (language). All my classes look pretty hard. Well, actually, physics doesn't seem all that hard yet. Except for the fact that WebAssign hates me. *glares at access card*
And I've been pretty upset about stuff lately, which has brought me down. Really not a good thing since I've been so sick lately. So, instead of worrying and worrying about it (like i usually do) I talked to some friends about it, which kind of helped...but not really. Still a little upset. :-Wow...this is actually a slightly depressed post. Better liven things up a bit here!
Let's see now...
I bought a dress a couple weeks ago...I need to find an excuse to wear it. Unfortunately, one is not presenting itself. But I am still holding out hope! ^_^ Gareth and Ankush assure me it's quite nice. *big grin* I hope they're right! I'll give you a little hint about it: it's red.
Was that enough spiciness for ya? No??
Too bad, it's too late (or early maybe) to have to think up something to say!!
*muah*!! bye!! :)

Friday, August 8

Hi y'all!!!
Woohoo!!! It's another weekend!!!! YAYAYAYAY!
All right, I know, too much excitement. But I can't help it! My friend David is coming to visit me and he is my very first visitor from home! :-D I am so excited.
Also, I am feeling a little less tired than I have been recently. And that is ALWAYS good! hehe
I wish I could say that I am going to be a good hostess (i.e. very entertaining) this weekend, but I'm afraid that I won't be seeing as (lately) I've been getting really really tired around 9 every night. But that's okay! I'll use caffeine. Caffeine is my friend! ^_^
All righty, must fly! *Muah*!

Monday, August 4

9 days left!!!! YAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!!!! I'm so excited. :-p
So, Emer has enlightened me on the wearing of the claddagh!
"on the claddagh: the heart of the claddagh stands for love, the hands stand for friendship, and the crown stands for loyalty. i have never heard anything about wearing it on a right or left hand, however, i imagine that you do wear it on the left since it is a wedding band (wedding rings are on the left i think??!) but so yeah if you point it in, you're taken, out, you are not." Sounds simple, huh? ^_^
Woohoo! Knowledge is mine! Thanks Emer!!!
Suckiness: When I go up to FB for the week I have between summer session and fall semester, Sparky is GONE!!! SUCKAGE! *grumble*
My friend David might come down this weekend. Yay! If he does, we'll have soooo much fun!! *dances around room*
Anthony comes back soon. *smiles happily*
MUAH! Bye bye!

Friday, August 1

Two weeks of summer session left! : p Wahooooooo!!! *looks excited* And then, after that, I get a WEEK at home!! A WHOLE WEEK! :-\ And then I start math 53!! *thumbs up*
But, Anthony'll come back from Burbank, so that's really exciting. And Devi will be back!!! YAY! And Lyndsay!!! In fact, EVERYONE will be back! ^_^
All right people, I need some help: I've been trying to figure out the traditional wearing of the claddagh. I was always told that by wearing the ring on your RIGHT hand with the CROWN pointing towards your fingertips, you are informing the world you are "taken" and if the CROWN is pointing towards your heart, you are available. And, of course, wearing it on your left hand means you are married, so I won't be wearing it like that. ; ) However, I walked into a store and someone made a comment about the way I was wearing my ring. They asked me "Is it just friendship or love?" I looked down, and I had the ring on upside down (meaning the CROWN was pointing towards my heart), sooooo...does that mean I have it wrong? I'm confused.
So, if anyone could help me out here, I would be quite grateful. I mean, I'm Irish, I should know this stuff!!! : p hehe
Okay, love you guys! *muah*