Friday, December 19

So I'm home. ^_^ Yay!
I hope everyone's break is simply SMASHING so far. I've been so busy, oh my gosh. I've been hanging out with Sparky and Michael (of course) and my family lots. So, I haven't had time to be bored at all yet. Course...I've only been home for three days. :-p
Oh my god. My family did this HuMunGoUs grocery shopping today. It took us TWO carts at Safeway. TWO!!!!! It was all these baking supplies. Gosh, we got THREE 5lb bags of sugar. That's 15 pounds of sugar!!!!!! And I'm not even going to MENTION all the flour we bought. *rubs temple* It took us a good three hours. At the end, both my parents were getting a little snappy, which wasn't all that great to be caught in, let me tell you... Thank God that's over! ^_^
I've finally managed to wrestle the internet connection from my brother (who's quasi-girlfriend lives in Israel so internet is the only viable option for communication) for a little while. However, this is a short lived victory since all my friends are offline considering it is 1 in the morning and they are all at home. So. I shall be relinquishing my hold on the phone line soon. Meh.
Good night all! *muah*

Sunday, December 14

Dude. They caught Sadaam Hussein. DUDE. The CAUGHT him. Didn't they, like, think he was DEAD or something? Well, obviously not since they were apparently still looking for him. But didn't they tell us that he was? Or was that Osama? *blinks* I have trouble keeping track of all the wars we have on the burners right now.
Happy news:
The Goils did our gift exchange last night. Soooo fun. Dani and Devi gave me the COOLEST slippers in the world. *chuckles* You'll have to see them, they're impossible to do justice to in describing them. And I got an AWESOME hat which I just love. Oh oh! Alice has the SAME ONE (almost exactly!!)! So we're the hat twins. Hehehe. And Nancy gave me a mug with my favorite panda on it. (The one that always grabs its butt when it looks at her.) And Alice, knowing my love of her cute office supplies, got me a lead container that is WAY cool (+ a mechanical pencil with this cute little animal on it) and a cute little "chair" for my cell phone and this bell sort of's shaped like a monkey and it's supposed to bless you. Hehe. Then we had pizza.
Then Severin came over and he, Nancy and I hung out for awhile. We eventually migrated to Blockbuster where I got two movies for my last Night of Freedom here in Berkeley before I leave tomorrow. (YAYAYAYAY!!!!) Then I made Severin watch one of the movies with me. Then he decided to walk home. In the rain. Alone. And after he started to hail. HAIL!!! Stupid boys, he should have just waited for it to stop. *shakes head superiorly*
Okay, now I really have to go study.

Friday, December 12

I am sooooooo done with my physics midterm. It took a day to sink in, but now that it has...WOOPEEEEE!!!!!!!! *bouncing off the walls*
I learned a cool new trick today. (Who said old dogs can't learn new tricks?) It's called HaXOr language (aka l33t sp34k). D3v! 54j5 3r!( |/\|!ll 83 !|\/||>r3553d. 8u7 |\|0 1 7|-|!|\|5 !75 45 (00l 45 ! d0. *5!g|-|* 0|-| |/\|3ll.
Anyway, so now all I have to do before I leave is finish my Irish final cuz I already did my Irish presentation. (It went well, thanks for asking! ^_^) But I'm not worried about that final. So, I will study for that on Sunday.
Tomorrow is our little apartment gift exchange. That should be fun. We're also going to go to Jupiter's for dinner. Yay! *light bulb magically appears above head* Maybe we should do the gift exchange there!! Fun!!!
Well, I guess I should go for now. It's time to start my weekend in earnest! :)

Sunday, December 7

'ello duckies!
I'm taking a (very)short break from studying in order to fill you all in on my life. (Not that any of you are taking breaks from studying just so you can read my blog, but whatever. :-p)
This weekend was fun (though not as productive as I would have liked). Ankush visited on Friday night. (YAY!!!) Then Sat was spent studying. Today, however, I got some Christmas shopping done with my Berkeley Girls, Danica and Devika. (Nancy, both Alices, Kristina and Emer were also supposed to come, however, they all had scheduling conflicts. La sigh.) It was really fun, despite the long lines and crowded shops. ^_^ Course, Dani and Devi make everything fun through sheer silliness. (I, of course, am always staid and proper. *rolls eyes*)
So tonight I am going to wrap presents!!! I LOVE wrapping presents!!! I LOVE the holidays!!!! *hums xmas carol*
Oh, by the way, a special thanks goes out to Eric for sending me a thrilling rendition of "Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer" to kick off the holiday season. Thank you!!!!! : )
I only have three days left until my physics final (it's on Thursday at 8am, ew). *looks worried* But I'm trying not to stress too much. I'm just going to get it all done. All I can do is my best...right? :-I wish all of you good luck with finals and send big hugs of encouragement!! And a heartfelt good luck to Devi, whose professors are just EVIL. That's all I have to say about them, they're EVIL. *sticks nose in air haughtily*
All right...that break was longer than I wanted it to be. Talk to you all after finals!! Muah!! *retreats to her cave*