Friday, December 19

So I'm home. ^_^ Yay!
I hope everyone's break is simply SMASHING so far. I've been so busy, oh my gosh. I've been hanging out with Sparky and Michael (of course) and my family lots. So, I haven't had time to be bored at all yet. Course...I've only been home for three days. :-p
Oh my god. My family did this HuMunGoUs grocery shopping today. It took us TWO carts at Safeway. TWO!!!!! It was all these baking supplies. Gosh, we got THREE 5lb bags of sugar. That's 15 pounds of sugar!!!!!! And I'm not even going to MENTION all the flour we bought. *rubs temple* It took us a good three hours. At the end, both my parents were getting a little snappy, which wasn't all that great to be caught in, let me tell you... Thank God that's over! ^_^
I've finally managed to wrestle the internet connection from my brother (who's quasi-girlfriend lives in Israel so internet is the only viable option for communication) for a little while. However, this is a short lived victory since all my friends are offline considering it is 1 in the morning and they are all at home. So. I shall be relinquishing my hold on the phone line soon. Meh.
Good night all! *muah*

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