Wednesday, January 21

I'm BACK!!!
Well, kinda. My internet is fritzing, so I'm only sorta back. :-p I'm back in a physical sense, but not an online sense.
My break was grrrrrrrrreat! How was everyone's? Good? Great? (Notice that "Bad" is not a choice. Pure optimism speaking. ^_^) I didn't do anything of importance, just hung out. Woohoo! It was a dream vacation! The only thing missing was the Bahamas-type weather. Unfortunately, it wasn't very sunny up in beautiful, gray Mendocino. So, if I seem to surpass my usual pastiness when you see me, you'll understand why.
Classes seem like they're going to FANtastic! I'm taking Shakespeare (ENG 17), English 45B, Intro to Linguistics (LING 100), Irish (CELTIC 85) and HOPEFULLY Classic Myths (CLAS 28). There might be a little problem with that last one though, due to my own stupidity and laziness. *Sighs and rubs back of neck with shame* Anyway.
Notice to ALL: I am NO LONGER doing Astrophysics. Let's not talk about it. K? K. (*muah*! I still love you.)
Okie dokie. I am off to attempt to understand my internet's fickle affection.
*MUAH*!!! (It's good to be back!)

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