Tuesday, March 29

It's so weird being back in Berkeley after being in Hawaii for a week. Everything is upside down. I mean, here, it's raining. There, it's sunny. Here, everyone is stressed. There, everyone is chill. Life is just odd like that. Thanks to this rain, though, I'm losing any semblence I had of a tan. So sad. And I had to put in long hours at the beach for the pathetic color I actually managed to attain. Gah!!!

To drive me even further up the wall, my internet keeps shutting off. Both Danica's and Devika's are fine, but mine is fritzing like crazy. I've been trying to write this same post for the past two days, but every time I'm ready to post it, the airport card shuts off. It's NO GOOD I tell you.

But when life gets me down, I just stop and think to myself: I'm going to see Weezer in concert.

And I feel fine.

So, I'm going to go tell myself that while I sit through yet another really old movie with bad special effects that claims to be "fantasy" but which is really just annoying and "avant garde." Pray for me?


Sunday, March 27


Okay, I know everyone wants to hear about Hawaii, but I have much more exciting news.

DANICA AND I ARE GOING TO SEE WEEZER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

They're playing at the Warfield in April and we're GOING!!! They were sold out and we were all panicking, but then she looked on eBay and she got the final bid on a pair of tickets. *hyperventilating* You have no idea how excited I am. As Dani said, this is a religious experience for us. Must...breathe...

Right now I have them playing in the background. "Feels so fine I can't control my brain" Rivers, you sing my soul...

Friday, March 11

I bought a new bathing suit.

Good news: It's not black. (*glances nervously around* Is that a hallelujah chorus?)
Bad news: I went bathing suit shopping.
Even worse news: This was supposed to be consolation for a messed up midterm. Foresight is obviously not my strong suit. (Ha! Suit! Get it? *laughter trails off* Yeah, it wasn't intentional.)

I also discovered today that I am the victim of a Flirt-n-Flee. Actually, I already suspected that that would be the ultimate outcome. He just had that vibe, you know? But I got the proof I needed today. The flirt/flee-er seems to be working his way around the class. I started to suspect something was slightly off with him when one of the girls in the class kept glaring at him during the first few weeks despite never having spoken to him--to my knowledge anyway. But the nervous glances in her direction piqued my sympathy so I didn't think much of it at the time.

Dani and I leave for Hawaii in six days. SO EXCITING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We went shopping last weekend. It was great. We're going to have so much fun. ^_^

Anyway. I guess I should go now. I'm pretty tired, so I'm gonna grab caffeine.
