Sunday, December 17

I'm finally getting over this weird flu virus that's been getting me down. I had to cancel work for three days, though, which makes me feel a bit like a slacker. So when they called and asked me to cover part of a shift tonight, I said I would even though I'm still not feeling great. Whoopditydo!

assorted things for roomies-check!

Gah, I still have two more gifts to buy. How is that possible???

Monday, December 11

Christmas Shopping update!

I got some more shopping done yesterday and today. I'm being very good at limiting my expenditures, too. :)

assorted things for roomies-check!

Okay, so I still need to do a bit of shopping.

These answers scare me...

I'm feeling too blah to write anything. I'm also feeling too blah to do anything of any actual use, so I've spent the hour since I woke up doing this...

Your Superhero Profile

Your Superhero Name is The Wombat Warlock
Your Superpower is Supernatural
Your Weakness is Peanut Butter Sticking to the Roof of Your Mouth
Your Weapon is Your Caustic Tentacles
Your Mode of Transportation is Flying Monkeys

You Are Miss Piggy

A total princess and diva, you're totally in charge - even if people don't know it.
You want to be loved, adored, and worshiped. And you won't settle for anything less.
You're going to be a total star, and you won't let any of the "little people" get in your way.
Just remember, piggy, never eat more than you can lift!

You are

Who Should Paint You: Gustav Klimt

Sensual and gorgeous, you would inspire an enchanting portrait..
With just enough classic appeal to be hung in any museum!

Monday, December 4

This is why people don't let me take pictures. With good reason.

Holiday Happenings

I found out that I might have to work Christmas Eve. I don't generally work on Sundays, but as the most recent hire at Borders in my holiday temp position, I'd say that particular Sunday I'm a shoe-in.

For further fun, due to my two jobs, I have to work double shifts occassionally. This doesn't sound so bad, right? I mean, it's just a few extra hours here and there. No. It's not just a few extra hours. Instead, Alice consists of heavy lifting, teddy bear hauling, booth primping, photo taking, and exhausting bouts of innocuous conversation with various (sometimes dim witted) listeners. Follow this up with an 8 hour shift at the new and improved Holiday Crunch Time Borders. I come home feeling like my soul has been ripped from my body, thrown on the ground, stomped on a few times and then handed back to me with a big red bow.

Some might say I sound bitter. I'm really not, though. It's just very exhausting and I think it's catching up with me. Right now, in the form of a cold.

As for good things that have happened: I got paid. I saw The Sounds live last night with Graham at the Fillmore in SF. I caught up with some old friends. I've gotten a jump on my holiday shopping.

assorted things for roomies-check!

Now I just need to decorate my room in little wreaths and my usual holiday cheer will have begun its tyrannical takeover! ^_^

Monday, October 30

A More Personal Update

The Sounds are playing the Fillmore on December 3rd. I MUST get tickets!!! I've been listening to "Dying to Say This to You" pretty much nonstop for the last couple of days. It's flamencotastic. (And I don't use that word lightly.)

Things have been pretty mellow here at Unit B since I got back from BraggTown Thursday night. We went to a party on Saturday, but that was about it. I've just been working, having work days cancelled, and sleeping. A lot. Last night, I got in bed at 1030 and picked up a book. Next thing I knew, my phone was ringing at 948 this morning. I do not remember my book at all. I'm assuming that's because I didn't get to read any of it.

I'm excited for the holidays this year. (Yes, I realize that this is a premature excitement. I just like to be prepared.) I think the anticipation is coming on early because the weather has been so winter like the last few days. It's very non Indian Summer sort of weather. But it's beginning to feel a lot like California Non-Denominational Holidays.

Sunday, October 29

Queen of Apology

Been awhile, eh, world? Sorry about the hiatus. I got caught up in moving, then working, which had progressed to the point where any time off was fiendishly hoarded as Vegging Time. I can, however, say that I've been doing well.

The most exciting thing I've done recently was attend the Bridge School concert with roomie Myung. It was pretty awesome. Here's a recap for those who missed it.

Pegi Young opened the concert with a long, drawn out speech basically talking about how cool she and her friends are for starting the school 20 years ago. She even read a letter from Bill Graham Presents that outlined how cool she and her friends were. As if this weren't enough stage time, Neil asked her to sing a song with him during the 3 song opening set. I was under the impression "a song" meant one (1) song. No, no. She stayed for the entire set. And she really can't sing very well. It was painful. Especially the part where she tried to name all, like, fifteen of the kids in the school (to show how hands-on she is) and she couldn't remember one of the kids' names. She actually had to ask the parent who was sitting on stage with the kid.

When Devendra Banhart came on to do his set, he brought four friends along. They had never played as a band before, but they impulsively called themselves The Bridge and played a long set that included a song about wet dreams. He was actually really good; I liked him a lot.

Gillian Welch performed next, nearly putting Myung and I to sleep. Country western folk is apparently not our style after sitting for two hours in the heat. It was, however, at this point that we began to notice a trend.

So far, both DB's band and GW had 1) covered a Neil Young song and 2) brought a guest on for their entire set. We were eager to discover how this trend would work out for Trent Reznor. It was to be the true test of Neil Young's musical sway.

Death Cab for Cutie, who were awesome despite the woman in front of us yelling "These guys suck!" over and over again, decided to one up everyone. Their special guests? Everyone who had played before them AND Neil on a cover of a Graham Nash song. They'd thrown down the gauntlet, metaphorically screaming "BEAT THAT Trent Reznor!" And Trent was up to the challenge.

He took the stage with pizazz and cellos. The lead singer of Nine Inch Nails came on stage dressed in a black sweater, black chinos, accompanied by two cellists and his egg shaker. Which he proceeded to mike. At first, we weren't sure if Trent was confused. Did he think that he was at a Poetry Slam? But then we got it.

Other acts came on, played their acoustic guitars, brought on the famous guests and payed their homage to the musical greats. Trent didn't even play an instrument. He was a rebel in the purest form.

Then Foo Fighters came on and treated the audience to their usual caliber performance. Myung and I were convinced that the show wouldn't be able to surpass their set. Neither of us like Brian Wilson or Dave Matthews; I've seen Pearl Jam; and Neil Young's voice kept breaking during his first set. So we decided to leave after Foo Fighters rocked the house.

Saturday, July 29

My Evilry

You Are 34% Evil

A bit of evil lurks in your heart, but you hide it well.
In some ways, you are the most dangerous kind of evil.

Yes, that's right, I revel in my evilry. REVEL.

Tuesday, May 30

Roommate from HELL

People complain about their roommates all the time. They're messy; they leave crumbs on the counter; their boyfriend farts; blah, blah, etc, etc. I have no pity for them because my roommate is the worst. She drinks my blood.

Yeah, that's right. TOP THAT!

She appeared Sunday night, and she won't go away. However, the three bites she's gotten in so far are irrelevant. All warriors have scars. In the end, I shall prevail.

Despite my best attempts, she has thus far eluded me. She must be the stealthiest mosquito in the land. I scoured that room looking for her, but found not a trace of her insect glory. My most recent plan: to stay out of the room and let her starve to death, does not seem to be going well. I say this because an article I just read claims that mosquitos can live up to 72 hours without feeding. I've been out of there for about 12.

*sighs* I guess I'll be sleeping at Teale's for awhile.

Thursday, May 11


I cannot believe that I've spent the last four years of my life at Cal. It feels like maybe two tops. Devika and I were just getting to know each other yesterday. I'm sure I just managed to breach the space-time continuum and skip ahead a little while. Einstein would be so proud. Or maybe devestated, I'm reallly not sure which...

Unfortunately, any feelings of nostalgia for the good ol' freshmen days are extremely hampered by the 14 page paper I have due next Tuesday during my final. My 8am final. Yeah, after that, I'm pretty sure I'll just be thanking my lucky stars that I'm done.

As you can see from the time stamp, this paper will be constructed entirely in the nocturnal mode of academia. I just don't have time for it otherwise, what with this weekend being taken up by graduation nonsense.

I'm excited, can you tell? :p Watch out Beckett's, the Irish are coming!

Friday, April 21

It's been a bad couple of days. I don't know if I could give a reasonable, logical explanation for why it's been so bad. I mean, yes, a couple of bad things have happened, but usually one can bounce back from those rather easily.

I think it's more that a bunch of things have come to a head simultaneously. Things that have been broiling for months.

Maybe they're my own fault. Maybe I'm stressing over things that I shouldn't. But I am a firm believer in the idea that, if something bothers you, you can't ignore it. I've tried ignoring all of these things, merely because there are so many or it never seemed the right time to deal with them.

And that's just not working anymore.

God, I sound like Harry Potter.

Friday, April 14

I'm apparently very weird. Who knew?

You Are 50% Weird

Normal enough to know that you're weird...
But too damn weird to do anything about it!

Monday, March 20


How is everyone? Oh, I'm fine, a little tired but good. Thanks for asking.

I started my new job at Alice Radio on Friday, which, by the way, was St. Patrick's Day for all you non-Irishmen who missed it. I worked a shift starting at 5am. Yeah, that sucked. It meant getting up a little before four, which, in turn, meant that I slept a grand total of 1.5 hours.

But the promotion itself was fun. Oh, and get this, one of the assistants I work with is a guy named Airick who I went to grammar school with. I haven't seen him in 10 years! Totally small world.

Earlier, when Hil and I went to get dinner, she told me that our English class is cancelled for the whole week. Which means that a) I only have three classes this week and b) I won't have Medieval Lit for two weeks!

SPRING BREAK! Woooooooooooo!

I'm excited about this week off. Hil and I are going to have so much fun that the losers going to Cancun will wish they stayed in rainy old Californ-I-A. What what!

Monday, February 27

Whoa. Like, whoa. I just read the new QC. I guess the artist decided to break out of his usual guy-angsting-over-girl-while-other-girl-angsts-over-him plot line. Bump chicka wow wow.

Just had to celebrate my (pleasant) shock.

Sunday, February 26

Belated Update

That's right, I'm back. Things are going smashingly well in Kaitlinland. I got back from Calistoga yesterday after spending two extremely relaxing days in the heated pools. The weather was amazing, too. Hot, around 75, with a cool breeze. Then we came back to the East Bay where it immediately decided to become a rainy, gray mess of clouds and fog. Typical.

I'm slowly realizing that my "dislike" of soup all these years has been entirely psychological because homemade soup is the bomb. In Calistoga, they made this Chicken Curry soup that was amazing. I'm so going to try and steal that recipe.

My days are filled with getting ready to graduate. It's crazy. It seems like I just got to the dorms and met Alice and Devi for the first time. I still remember trying to fit all our stuff in that tiny little room...Memorieeeeeeeeeeeees.

Speaking of Devika, it's her 22nd birthday! Yesterday, that is. But we went to Niyati's place last night, so tonight we took Devi out to dinner roommate style. Little does she know we're about to surprise her with a bee-yoo-tee-ful cake (aka-ed Lulu by Hil and I) with sparkly candles. This should be fun.

Egads, my post is a mile long. I really should update more. But for now, this is Katydid, signing off.

Friday, February 3


Oddly enough, three of my lectures in the past week have mentioned the Holy Foreskin. Neither of them are religious studies. And while I'm quite sure that the Holy Foreskin is important, I find myself wishing that I didn't have to hear of it so often. If that sends me to hell, then at least I'll be among friends.

My attempt to reorganize my schedule so that I can drop psychology has not been going well. Unfortunately, it looks as though I am still a unit short, despite taking two Decal classes. The one that Nick is teaching is going surprisingly well. I am enjoying myself immensely.

Hilary moved in! When they came to the door to deliver the mattress, Danica thought they had come to remove her mattress. For some reason, she assumed that Devika and I had sold her mattress to someone, like, for rent money or something.

Anyway, Hilary is moved in and the past couple of days have been righteously awesome. However, we do still need a couch. Or something. Prathna and Puja came over earlier and I didn't have anywhere for every to sit. We had to pull my deskchair out of my room and I sat in the skanky rocking chair that we've been trying to subtly dispose of for the last year.

Otherwise, things are pretty good in Kaitlin-land. Over and out.

Wednesday, January 18

The Frat Boy's Dictionary

"Dude, that shit is hella miscellaneous." ~Random Girl on Street

Putting aside my hatred of the word 'hella' and its equally evil counterpart 'hecka,' I have to say that this is possibly the funniest sentence I have ever had the pleasure of noting.

While the rapid deterioration of the American English language saddens me, I reluctantly find myself amused by the results of the ridiculous use of slang and profanity in place of real words. "Real words?" you might ask, taken aback. "Why, Kaitlin, whatever do you mean? Are they not English? Do they not have letters? What makes a word 'real'?"

Real words are often replaced by profanity in an attempt to create a more powerful or intimidating sentence. To give the sentence more oomph, if you will. The latter have real meanings and are never intentionally used to mean something they just simply don't. For example, the word "fuck" has a dictionary meaning: "to have sexual intercourse" or (as a noun) "act of sexual intercourse." However, here are a few examples of the common uses of the word:

1. "I was so fuckin' drunk, dude." (Expected responses: "Sweeeeeet" Or "Niiiiiice" Generally accompanied by a high five.)

Applying the dictionary definition, this would refer to drunken sex-if one has no exception to using "drunk" as an adjective, which I do, but that's another tale. And yet, the speaker obviously means he was incredibly drunk. Unbelievably drunk. Drunk on a level that is past all other levels of drunkenness that he has thus far experienced.

2. "It's a fucking book, man." (Expected responses: "Dude" or "Chill" or some other grudgingly acquiescent colloquialism)

Is the book engaged in intercourse? Is it a book ABOUT sexual intercourse? I suppose the latter might be, while crude, acceptable. Rather, this is used in an annoyed or incredulous manner, usually to make the other person "chill" or to inform him of something he should already know.

3. "Fuck me." (No response necessary.)

No, this is not an engraved invitation. (Generally.) For the most part, this is used as an incredulous expletive following a somehow surprising situation.

Looking back, how can one ask me if "fuck" is a real word? It appears, in modern day English, to be able to replace any word denoted for any sentiment. Considering the increasingly crude veneer of American culture, while the Democrats have unveiled their plans to end this "Culture of Corruption," I don't see this deterioration reversing itself any time soon. I have to say that my faith in our allegedly inevitable redemption has reached a critical low. Forgive my jaded disbelief at their attempts to right the wrongs that they have helped perpetuate. I only have one thing to say to them: Bite me.

Now, "bite me" is another interesting colloquialism...

Tuesday, January 17

Hilarity at UC Berkeley

In the past two days it has become apparent that our Berkeley education has meant nothing. At some point, all of the L&S seniors were put on a mailing list called senior_spirit. And then, lo and behold, at 4:52pm, a sorority girl named Dana Rebeccah Cohn sent an email as a reply to the list that said "unsubscribe me." And the hilarity began.

5:00pm: "Unsubscribe me" emails begin flooding innocent bystanders' inboxes. Responding to this egregious error, vindictive seniors bent on retribution begin retaliating, telling the Unsubscribers that they're unforgivably stupid for participating in such an evil act. Some offer sexual favors on the condition that the emailing madness stops.

5:30pm: More seniors send "unsubscribe me" emails. Retaliation increases in verve. [amassed email count: 100]

6:15pm: The Good Samaritans (aka Preaching Patties) come out of the woodwork to inform the second group (we'll call them the Negative Nellies) that they are unforgivably rude and that their obscene behavior is uncalled for. Yet more emails follow while mysterious "subscribe me" emails begin appearing on the scene.

7:30pm: People begin bonding over the debaucle. One man invites the entire senior class out for beer at the Bear's Lair. Affirmative responses follow. [amassed email count: 190]

8:00pm: The t-shirts appear. That's right, t-shirts. Three separate people create merchandise on that reads "Unsubscribe Me: UC Berkeley Class of 2006."

12:00am-5:00pm: 293 emails appear to reach a critical mass of 493

At 5:04pm, January 17th 2006, after an average of 250 emails per day, the list was, sadly, shut down, and so ended the most prolific 24 hours in calmail history. We seniors will mourn the loss of this truly valuable electronic resource. I know I shall miss seeing the friendly "194 New Messages" alert in my inbox window every day. In memory of this truly unforgettable college experience, Prathna and I have decided to wear the t-shirts under our gowns on graduation day.

Farewell Class of 2006. And Go Bears.

In Other News:
Myung wants a flame retardant graduation gown so he can set it on fire as he walks up to the stage.
Danica has created yet another totally bodacious costume. This one is Zatanna. Don't ask me. All I know is that she's cool.
Teale is, worryingly enough, calling the Lover's Holiday of this year "the most diabolical Valentine's Day ever." I'm not sure I want to know what this "grand surprise" is that he's been waxing on about.

Sunday, January 15

The Inequities of our Apartment

Danica is moving downstairs to take over the in-law style apartment. This is quite cool since she will now have a larger room and less rent. It's kind of cool for us because she's not a very loud person, but I don't know who her roommate will be, so the whole Kaitlin-not-sleeping issue is still up in the air. The best part is that Hilary will be moving in with us. This is very exciting. It'll be like a sleepover all the time.

However, things are beginning to get complicated. Danica recently went through the house and provided Devika and I with a list of things she'll be taking down to the apartment with her. The list includes practically all of our common area furniture. This makes sense given that she owned it all before we moved in and offered it as furniture, but it's sudden disappearance will leave Devika and I in a bit of a lurch. Thus, I have a feeling we will be spending the next few weeks trolling for couches and things on craigslist.

If you know of any furniture for sale that is lacking in mysterious stains or smells, please let me know.

Saturday, January 14


So, my reading list has once again been deconstructed. I found out that I couldn't bring Tricky Business down here with me because my father is taking it to England; Death on the Nile and The Mysterious Affair at Styles had to be culled because my mom donated them to Paul Bunyan* while I was at school; and Prince Caspian was inadvertantly left on my nightstand.

Annoying as all that is, the fact that school starts in two days and I just barely finished Sunshine is chafing more than anything. It was supposed to be an easy read. A mere 400 pages of novelistic sensationalism. No problem for my overly active English-major, novel devouring habits. Unfortunately, this assumption was made before I realized that the book was about vampires. Yeah, vampires. Then, it was a whole new ballpark.

I know, with a name like Sunshine I should have seen it coming, right? The thing is, I didn't. I never thought this would be a fantasy novel of epic proportions such as it was. I mean, it was 400 pages, but it felt like reading 400 pages of Dune or Stranger in a Strange Land. Not as good, but just as dense.

So now I'm pathetically far behind on my break reading list, which is, currently, as follows:

1. Grave Sight [check]
2. Twilight [check]
3. The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe [check]
4. Sunshine [check]
5. Join Me [in progress]
6. On the Road
7. The Traveller
8. Trickster's Queen

Off to feed my mind, which is, sadly, disintegrating as I type from the malevolent cold that will not go away.

* For those who do not live in Fort Bragg, Mendocino or surrounding areas, Paul Bunyan refers to the local Goodwill store.

Monday, January 9

The Amazing Disintegrating Pretzel

Woah. I was trying to eat pretzels (aka lunch) at the same time as I was writing an email, which was apparently a bad call on my part, because I bit into one (an act I've simulated several thousand times over my short life span as I'm something of a pretzel fiend) and it practically disintegrated all over the couch. I swear to God, more crumbs appeared than what originally made up the pretzel.

Sorry, just had to share my shock and amazement.

Nomadic Daughter Returns

I'm finally back from Simi Valley. I know, you all missed me terribly. I had fun, though. I stayed with Devi and she showed me around Simi, which apparently means taking me to Northridge.

Danica's party was pretty fabulous. Her parents put together this slideshow and set to music pictures of her life. It was pretty cool. There were some really cute photos. However, there was a photo of me on there. From Halloween. I blame Devika for this and will seek photographic retribution as soon as we are back in Berkeley.

Two bad things occurred while I was down there, though. First off, my iPod died. After three years of faithful service, I'm really not surprised it felt the need to move on to the other realm. Still, I'll miss Billy Bob. (Just kidding. Wait, did you really think that I named my iPod? *snorts*) Then, the other bad thing...I spent way too much on clothes. It was horrible. Clothing and gas ate up almost my entire expense budget. Granted, my expense budget was about two hundred dollars, but still! Luckily Devika's parents like to feed people. I'm kind of scared to look at my account balance.

I'm leaving for Berkeley in a couple of days. On the twelfth to be exact. So I've been making plans for the rest of the week.

Today, I'm having lunch with my mom and buying my books and supplies for school. Then I have to call back the people who called me while I was in LA, since I didn't have service in Devika's house. (It hated me.)

Tuesday, I have a doctor's appointment and I need to check the mail and pick up stuff for my mom. All of which necessitates going to Mendocino, so I'll be getting a Mendo Market sandwich, as well.

Wednesday, will be spent packing and hopefully seeing people before I head back. My parents are having dinner at some friends' house, so I'm on my own for that meal. I do have to finish some of the snacks that Maggie and I bought for our all night marathon but didn't eat. But I'm hoping that my dinner will be slightly more substantial than that.

Thursday it's hasta la vista Fort Bragg and hola Berkeley.

I think I'm actually going to miss Fort Bragg this time. Shocking. No, not really. But usually I'm in an all fired hurry to get back to Berkeley after a break. This time, while I do feel the rush, I'm not antsy. Odd.

Monday, January 2

Revamped Reading List

I've been looking over my reading list and the various piles of potential add-ons in my room for the past couple of days. Since my project was to intersperse less scary volumes in with my original list, I believe I've reached a suitable goal list.

1. Grave Sight [check]
2. Twilight [check]
3. The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe [check]
4. Sunshine [in progress]
5. Join Me
6. Tricky Business
7. Prince Caspian
8. Death on the Nile
9. On the Road
10. The Mysterious Affair at Styles
11. The Traveller
12. Trickster's Queen

However, I've noticed that, at the rate I'm going now, I'll never finish all these books before school begins again. This makes me sad. But I can't bring myself to hope for a quick or light semester, like I usually do, because this is my last one. So I feel even more melancholy.

My mean reds apparently aren't going away any time soon.