Wednesday, October 27

Despite the fact that Prathna is the only person who actually reads my blog anymore, I shall continue to post! I shall persevere in the face of adversity! I will not be forced into silence! Cuz, you know, I'm stubborn like that. And onward to my life!

Bus Guy smiled at me today. For those of you who don't know who Bus Guy is, and, therefore, cannot comprehend the sheer magnitude of this episode, I shall attempt to fill you in. Bus Guy is the nickname I have given to the hottest male on the face of the earth. Or, at least, in Berkeley. He stands at about six feet tall with a soccer build-lightly muscular-sporting brown hair and the most beautiful eyes you've ever seen. They're a brown color, but they seem so light in places that they become a honey color and in other places they look whiskey colored. He's truly impossible to describe. Seriously, he's one of those people who you see and either want to paint or just stare at.

Anyway, my past association with Bus Guy has consisted of stealing glances at him out of the corner of my eye while trying desperately to appear cool. A feat which, as you all know, is basically impossible for me. However, today I gained acknowledgement! I was just sitting there, innocently listening to my iPod, when he got on the bus. I'm sitting in the back on the parallel seats and he usually sits towards either the front or the middle of the bus, so imagine my shock when he proceeds to sit directly across from me. Then, he looks up. And smiles. Just the smile would have done it, but he was looking particularly delicious today since he was all scruffy.

It's not fair that there are people like this in the world. They short circuit all us average people's normally servicable brains.

And in other news:
I finally have a Halloween costume. But I guess you'll just have to come with us to the Castro to find out what it is!! :-p
Prathna and I finally secured Puckett on a date to lecture in our DeCal.
The Old Lady Downstairs has changed his sleeping schedule, forcing me to stay up later and later due to his freaking television.


Friday, October 22

Jeremy: So, my floormate is singing in his room, a little too loudly for my tastes, so i tell him to shut up. We're friends so it's cool. Anyway, he comes storming into my room (wearing a towel...yeah) and starts dancing to the music. I think my eyes are bleeding. He then notices my poster of mr. depp. Awkward questions follow. "Dude, what's this?"
"That? Oh, it's Johnny. You know, the J-man"
Looking scared, my friend leaves the room, turns off his music, and closes the door.
The moral of this story: If you follow your heart, you can accomplish anything.

Wednesday, October 20

So, those of you who know the story of yesterday-referred to from here on as The Day the Gods Laughed-will be relieved to hear that today was extraordinarily better. Not only did it not rain, I was not late to class, I did not get back a better, I did not get soaked, I did not have to pay for parking, I did not have to get up early...etc, etc. In fact, my GSI for French brought us candy! CANDY! Because she loves us. Except she said it in French, so it sounded more like "Je nous aime." AND we get to watch Persuasion in the Decal. Ah yes. Today is much better.

Oh my goodness, the girl who just sat down at the computer in front of me (I'm in Moffit again. Damn those renovations!!!) has the CUTEST sweatshirt. It's just a plain blue zip up, but it has three little elephants where a breast pocket woud go. They're holding each other's tails and marching along and the one in front is lifting up its truck to try to catch a butterfly. It's sooooooo cute! I love it. Really I do.

Now a guy with a mohawk just sat next to her. His hair is naturally dark brown, but he's dyed the mohawk both pink and blonde. Very cool. He seems nice. I wonder what he's working on? He looks like an English major. He's got that "Constantly Analyzing Life" air about him. And his whimsical hairdo would be acceptable in few majors aside from English. We, enlightened people that we are, embrace such individuality.

Okay, you know you're bored when you start making up stories in your own head about the people who sit near you in the library. In reality, that boy was probably premed, volunteers at the Children's Hospital (where he is extremely popular with the kids due to said hair) and plans on being a pediatric oncologist or something.

I have WAY too much studying to do. I have a midterm tomorrow, which I have to reread everything for, a midterm Friday and one on Monday, for both of which I have to study French like a madwoman. Then I have to write a paper for 45A early so I can leave for the weekend before it's due. So, I have to catch up on all the reading for THAT class, too.

Man, I am a party animal. Now I'm depressed. I'm gonna go do homework.

Sunday, October 17

I joined an intermural softball team! Yay! All I've done with them so far is a scrimmage, but that was really fun, cuz the other team didn't care about winning (I mean, for goodness's sake, it was a SCRIMMAGE) and we didn't care. And it was just good fun. We were supposed to have a game today, but it got cancelled due to rain. *sighs*

So, instead of playing softball, I went to my Aunt's and did laundry! *big fake grin* Really not as exciting! But now I have clean, warm clothing, which is always happiness inducing.

Why did I take on so many responsibilities this semester? What was I thinking??? I'm always so busy. I never have time to just veg anymore. Not that vegging is actually a good thing, but it's still enjoyable.

Well, I've got french homework to finish cuz I didn't get to it this weekend. Lucky me. I get to refuse invitations. In french. Woot.


Thursday, October 14

I just came back from my first ever hockey game. Woohoo! Fun stuff!

We lost, though. Three to six at the end. *sigh* I'm so disappointed. I think we need to work on two things at the next practice:
1) Passing. We kept passing to either open air, or the boards.
2) Hustling. Some of the players would give up towards the end of the play when they might have been able to stop the goal if they had just TRIED a little.
As interpretive dance, it was great. As hockey...kinda mediocre. But did you know that the players all PAY to be able to play? We aren't a largely school sponsored team apparently. So they also pay their own travel expenses. Crappy, huh?

Now I have to do research for a presentation. Wow, I'm so cool. *rolls eyes*

My only consolation is that I made plans to go and see my friend Sarah in a couple weeks. I'm so excited! She lives in Santa Barbara, which I've never been to, and I'm finally going to meet her hot Italian roommate. *muses over new development and own lack of tan* I think I need to start making some improvements.

I think I need to go and do my work now. I'm starting to not be able to think. And that's bad...but I can't remember why...


Wednesday, October 6

So. I'm in Moffit (since they KILLED my reading room!!!!) and I'm down at the computing center. I'm working on a Chaucer paper that's due next Monday. It's only five pages. Last semester, I would have said "God, it's four to five pages!? How am I going to fill five pages on Chaucer??" Now, after my 8 page paper on The Sound and the Fury, I have learned to be grateful for the blessing of a four to five page paper. Indeed, it is truly a condescension on the professor's part. *bows to the Almighty Adelmann*

I'm basically just killing time until I meet Prathna before the Decal. (She, too, is studying in the library, but I think she's ACTUALLY studying, not writing in her blog.) We have a weekly ritual of getting dinner together beforehand. It's fun! ^_^ We decided not to go see Puckett just in case we were getting annoying.

Whoa. I just glanced over at Lyndsay's screen for a second and it's FULL of writing. Now I feel very...frivolous for wasting my time in our Uber-Serious Library. *sighs*

Me so tired. Even grammar has been all wrong all day. Wait. Is that right? All wrong all...Nevermind.

All the computing center employees are gathering around the main desk, murmuring importantly. Now they're glancing around the room. No doubt looking for any who would misuse the Uber-Serious Library. Wait...oh dear...they're heading over towards me. FOUR OF THEM! What the heck did I do?? Must finish quickly!

Friday, October 1

I'm sick again. I don't know where my immune system went, but I hope I get a postcard sometime soon.

Bush is a total fuckwit. Kerry looked liked freaking EINSTEIN compared to Bush during the debates. I mean, Bush didn't even directly answer most of his questions. He changed the subject!!!! What the hell???

Oh, and my favorite part: Every life is precious. That's what distinguishes us from the enemy.

Ooookay, then what about the enemy? Oh, wait, I get it. They're really robotic demons from outerspace. They don't count as "alive."


Too upset to write now. Must go.