Wednesday, October 6

So. I'm in Moffit (since they KILLED my reading room!!!!) and I'm down at the computing center. I'm working on a Chaucer paper that's due next Monday. It's only five pages. Last semester, I would have said "God, it's four to five pages!? How am I going to fill five pages on Chaucer??" Now, after my 8 page paper on The Sound and the Fury, I have learned to be grateful for the blessing of a four to five page paper. Indeed, it is truly a condescension on the professor's part. *bows to the Almighty Adelmann*

I'm basically just killing time until I meet Prathna before the Decal. (She, too, is studying in the library, but I think she's ACTUALLY studying, not writing in her blog.) We have a weekly ritual of getting dinner together beforehand. It's fun! ^_^ We decided not to go see Puckett just in case we were getting annoying.

Whoa. I just glanced over at Lyndsay's screen for a second and it's FULL of writing. Now I feel very...frivolous for wasting my time in our Uber-Serious Library. *sighs*

Me so tired. Even grammar has been all wrong all day. Wait. Is that right? All wrong all...Nevermind.

All the computing center employees are gathering around the main desk, murmuring importantly. Now they're glancing around the room. No doubt looking for any who would misuse the Uber-Serious Library. Wait...oh dear...they're heading over towards me. FOUR OF THEM! What the heck did I do?? Must finish quickly!

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