Sunday, October 17

I joined an intermural softball team! Yay! All I've done with them so far is a scrimmage, but that was really fun, cuz the other team didn't care about winning (I mean, for goodness's sake, it was a SCRIMMAGE) and we didn't care. And it was just good fun. We were supposed to have a game today, but it got cancelled due to rain. *sighs*

So, instead of playing softball, I went to my Aunt's and did laundry! *big fake grin* Really not as exciting! But now I have clean, warm clothing, which is always happiness inducing.

Why did I take on so many responsibilities this semester? What was I thinking??? I'm always so busy. I never have time to just veg anymore. Not that vegging is actually a good thing, but it's still enjoyable.

Well, I've got french homework to finish cuz I didn't get to it this weekend. Lucky me. I get to refuse invitations. In french. Woot.


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