Thursday, May 11


I cannot believe that I've spent the last four years of my life at Cal. It feels like maybe two tops. Devika and I were just getting to know each other yesterday. I'm sure I just managed to breach the space-time continuum and skip ahead a little while. Einstein would be so proud. Or maybe devestated, I'm reallly not sure which...

Unfortunately, any feelings of nostalgia for the good ol' freshmen days are extremely hampered by the 14 page paper I have due next Tuesday during my final. My 8am final. Yeah, after that, I'm pretty sure I'll just be thanking my lucky stars that I'm done.

As you can see from the time stamp, this paper will be constructed entirely in the nocturnal mode of academia. I just don't have time for it otherwise, what with this weekend being taken up by graduation nonsense.

I'm excited, can you tell? :p Watch out Beckett's, the Irish are coming!

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