Tuesday, July 8

Hmmm...apparently they have changed my blog...the posting thingy is weird...*looks wary* I dunno about this...
Anyway, hi! long time no write!
New in my life: School. I am back at school. Why did I decide to do summer school? Well, it's a long story. Mostly because a) I need the class for my tentative major and b) Cuz I'd be bored in Mendocino for 3 whole months.
I wish I'd stayed.
Math 1B is soooooooooo hard. Mostly just because the class is so fast paced. We do a new section every day. Ahhhhhh!!!
I've been feeling a little down and out the last few days. Not really sure why, but it's tainting my view on the whole world and all of humanity. *narrows eyes* Not cool. Hopefully I'll get over it soon. : )
Changing my hair didn't get rid of my boredom. So, I got new holes in my ears too. :p That helped a little, amazingly enough. I'm still kinda bored though.
Let's hope I don't put holes anywhere else...that'd be bad...
Okay, I should go. *muah*

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