Saturday, September 20

Wow, it's been a while. What have I done since that last post? Not a lot. (Note: If you want a detailed account of the SF trip, look at Devika's blog. ^_^)
I went to a party with Ankush and his friends Christine and Michelle on Thursday. The party was okay. *shrugs*
Yesterday was exciting. I went to the Superb movie thing at Wheeler with Nancy, Ari, Alice and Myung. We were supposed to be meeting their friend Stephen, but he was already inside and we didn't realize it. They were showing a Brazilian movie called City of God. It was soooooooo good!!!!! I loved it! It was so well done. *sighs*
Today is going to be hectic. Devika and I are shopping for decorations for Danica's Mom's party. Then we have to decorate the apt. After the party we're going to the Zakir Hussein concert in Zellerbach. I'm excited!!! My Dad knows of him and his reputation and he was so excited for me. I was, this guy must be good. Sometime before the concert, Maggie is coming over from Oakland cuz she's going to go to a party with me tonight. The party is after the concert at Lyndsay's co-op.
Then after the party comes my favorite part:
All right, must fly!

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