Sunday, November 2

*singing* It's raaaaaaining, it's pooooouring!!
*clears throat* Sorry, I like rain. Hehe. I couldn't figure out what it was at first cuz it was so sudden. It sounded like air rushing through the window or something. Only...the window wasn't open. *Twilight Zone theme* So I went out to the living room to see if it was raining outside. But it didn't look like it, so I was terribly confused. And then Alice thought I wanted to know the time, which confused me further cuz all she said was "Eight thirteen." I was that code or something?? But eventually I decided to go check the inner courtyard thingy and sure enough, there was RAIN!!!!!!
How is everyone doing? Sorry I haven't updated in a while.
Time for a NEWS FLASH!
Halloween: I went to the Castro with Ankush, Devika, Danica, Bhavik, Niyati, Pratna and...crap...ahhhhhh I can't remember her name! She was in Devika's dance! And she has long black hair! And I think she lives with Pratna and Niyati...*grumble* Curses!
This weekend: I spent the whole thing doing NOTHING. I slept most of it away, which surprised me. I never sleep as it is, but sleeping too much?? Weird. I've never slept a whole day before, but on Sat, guess what I did. That's right, I slept until five. FIVE!!!! (Okay, so I woke up a few times to talk to Maggie on the phone, but it was only for about half an hour at a time, so it doesn't count.)
So, I've been trying to get tickets for Trilogy Tuesday for my bro for his bday. Unfortunately, the scalpes have FOILED ME!!!! *sniffle* It's no fair. How dare they buy all the tickets!!!!!!!!!! *wailing* And now they're selling them for hundreds of dollars!!!
I guess that's all for now. I wonder what homework I was supposed to do this weekend. *shrugs* Oh well.

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