Friday, May 30

okay, now for the rest of my news...hmmm...i can't remember what it was...
I'm cutting my hair today. I'm just so bored, you know? My life needs a change, so, I'm taking the easy route to change: I'm messing with my hair. I'm thinking of taking three or four inches off, layering in the front. Maybe I'll dye it auburn...
I'm also getting two more holes in my ears. *nods* With twice the number of holes, I'll be able to buy twice as much jewelry. ^_^ hehe
I finished cleaning for now. I still haven't unpacked though. This could get bad. I've been here almost a week. I'm just digging through my suitcase for clothing. Scratch that, it's not going to get bad. It's already bad. :(
My hair appointment is in fifteen minutes. Next time you see me, hello CHANGE!

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