Thursday, May 29

Okay, so I haven't posted in a shoot me. : p
I'm HOME!!!! Wahooooo!!!
Actually, I'm having more fun at home than I thought I would. Thank goodness Sparky and Michael are around. I have NO idea what I would do without them. Haha, if you wanna hear a funny pot story, let me know and I'll send you the full scoop. Oh man...hahahahaha
Okay, so I took that freaking math final. Sooooo hard. Damn it.
Sparky and I went shopping today! Yay!
I'm getting my hair cut tomorrow. ^_^
Okay, I'm going to go clean my room now. It has reached the level of Emergency Situation. I'm surprised that nothing living is crawling around in here. (Aside from my cats that is...) Sigh, no no, it's not quite THAT bad.
I'll post again when I get a chance.

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