Tuesday, May 20

One final down, two to go! Woohoo!!!
I still can't believe freshman year is essentially over. : (
Well, next year will be even BETTER!!! Cuz Nancy, Alice T., Danica and I have a REALLY COOL apartment. It's sooooo cute!!! I'm excited. (as if you couldn't tell)
A further development in Kaitlin's life: we now have mildew (or some other grotesque growth) in our carpet so it is making our room smell. ew ew EW.
Yeah, so that's pretty exciting in our lives. Every time we come in the room we get grossed out. Alice B. is smart and has started spraying Lysol on it. Perhaps we won't develop some horrible, deforming illness this way. ; )
Nancy and I are going to go to lunch soon. I'm really glad. Finals always make me sooooo hungry. I don't even know why. And I get incredibly hungry when I'm tired. I think that's a lack of energy thing though. *shrugs*
Time to start working on my next final: Music! yayayayay!!!

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