Sunday, October 19

Sparky: ok, so i know michael is on the second floor and i go into one of the buildings and there is no second floor and i get lost so i try to go into the other one.
Me: hahaha
Sparky: there's a class and a little door off to the side and a lady behind a desk who i figures knows what's up. so i go to talk to her and she says "well you can't just come in we don't know who you are"
Me: hmmm
Sparky: so I say "ok can you call him?" and she says "what's his number" and i can't find it so i say "he's on the second floor."
Me: hahahaha
Sparky: She says "there is no michael there, get out. So I start to leave and i see a little door i know goes into the dorm part of the building. This dude is walking through and I kind of smile at him and slip in behind him like i used to do when i was visiting you, as though i lived in the dorm. i'm in the first floor...which turns out to be really small, and all blue.
Me: whoa...
Sparky: there's a rickety spiral staircase in the corner which i climb to get to the second floor....which turns out to be TINY. Like the size of my table. and there are three doors and all of them are really small. really. small.
Sparky: so, anyway, i say "MICHAEL MANGO!" and it thunders authoritatively and there's no one around and I hear michael say "what I can't hear you"
Sparky: and I go "MICHAEL!"
Sparky: and then i woke up.
Sparky: wtf? Dude, dreams are so weird.

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