Friday, December 30


Tonight, I have a case of the mean reds.

I'm not even sure why since I had a great day. This afternoon I met up with Tris, Danielle, Sven, Brendan, David, and Hana for bowling, which––considering that I'm more of a handicap than an addition to any team––I assure you I did not play. Instead, I discovered my bowling calling as the team scorer. It was really fun, especially referring to everyone by their Bowling Names. (For example, Sven became Bad Seed, David Captain Kick-Ass, Brendan Pookie, Tristan Bob, etc.)

Then we went to the Headlands where we hung out and (almost) promptly ran into Jordan who'd come in unsuspectingly under the guise of getting a cup of chai. He was immediately clued into our evening plans, a favor he returned by offering to drive Sparky and I to Mendocino. In other words, things worked out beautifully.

Even the Mac house was incredibly cool. After monopolizing the couches in the "café" section of the bar, we just sat around chatting for a couple of hours. I had some hot chocolate with Bailey's which was delicious, Sparky and a few others finally got to eat dinner. All in all, it was a good night.

Therefore, my case of the mean reds is inexplicable. They just came on me suddenly as soon as I stepped through the door of my house. Maybe I just need some sleep.

If I don't get a chance to post tomorrow, I wish you a happy New Year's Eve. Drink and be merry.

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