Wednesday, December 28

Ironically, despite the fact that I was wasted all day, I can't sleep. Ha! Good one, Morpheus! You're hilarious! Can I have my dreams now, Mr. God of Sleep?

Anyway, when I get tired––as you all know––I get a little...odd. Earlier, I stumbled across Google's Blog Search and decided to test run it, cuz someone used it to find my blog. When I searched for my name, I found this thing:

A- Age you got your first kiss: Jeez...personal opener.

B - Band/artist listening to right now: In the general sense of "now": The Beatles. In the specific: a nifty band called silence.

C - Crush: Teale

D- Dad's name: David

E - Easiest person to talk to: Teale?

F - Favorite bands at the moment: Weezer

G- Gummy worms or gummy bears? I don't eat things that jiggle usually.

H - Hometown: Fort Bragg, CA

I - Instruments: Piano, guitar (if you really stretch the old imagination)

K - Kids: *looks nervous*

L - Longest car ride ever: From one nameless town to the next on a family road trip when both my brother and I really had to pee.

M - Mom's name: Katy

N - Nicknames: Linnie, Katydid, Kait, Mensa-girl (So I like the games they put out! Sue me!),

O - To graduate high school? Been there, done that.

P - Phobia[s]: heights, spiders and mild claustrophobia

Q - Quote: "The most wasted of all days is one without laughter." ~ee cummings

R- Im making a question for R...its....raddest thing you ever did? Avoiding this question.

S - Song you sang last: "Wedding Bell Blues" The 5th Dimension

T - Time you woke up [today]: 10:13am

U - Unknown fact about me:

V - Vegetable you hate: chard

W - Worst Habit: Toss up between talking too much and lacking confidence

X - X-rays you've had: my teeth and my stomach

Y - Yummy food: Enchiladas, curry and Devika's Indian food (yummmmmmmmmmm)

Z - Zodiac sign: Cancer

I apologize for any boredom you may have experienced during the course of this blog. Please restore your browser to its original position. Thank you and enjoy your stay in Cyberspace.

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