Saturday, November 29

Thanksgiving ROCKED! hehe
I went to my aunt's house and it was just me, my mom, my aunt, my brother, and a couple friends. Sooooo fun.
Oh! And I found out that the adults cats at the Mobile Adoption thing I volunteered at were adopted!!!! I am sooooo happy! They were the sweetest old things. And the kittens were so rowdy, ya know? I mean, don't get me wrong, I LOVE kittens (and puppies), but older cats are so mellow. And they really deserve the love after being left to die in the middle of their lives. And they were ALL adopted!!!!! *big grin* I love happy endings.
School is almost over for the year. Only two weeks left. Woohoo!!! I can't wait for break. I'm going to sleep soooo much and go out with my friends soooo much. It'll be great! Sparky, Michael and Maggie will all be home. Weeeee!!!!!
Okay, gotta go work on homework.

Tuesday, November 25

Hello all. ^_^
New: Morgan, Morgana and Mischa came to see me on Saturday!! Weeee!!! Maggie came over too! I showed them around campus and took them to Blondie's pizza. Also, Ankush came and visited on Saturday night. Yay! Unfortunately, I made him late getting home. :-\ Sunday night, Danica and I watched "Seven." Oh.
That movie is soooooooo creepy!!!!!! I couldn't sleep after we watched it and I still have to check over my shoulder ever couple minutes when I'm out walking. It made me so sad...:( [That movie is so well]
THANKSGIVING IS ALMOST HERE!!! I could just FAINT from happiness!!! Okay, I won't go THAT far. ; )
I'm going to my aunt's tomorrow night and coming back on Wednesday to do my Irish oral exam. We were supposed to write a speech about a friend, so I decided to write it about one of my lovely apartment girls. And, weighing the names for Irish-ness (I don't think you can pronounce Danica correctly in Irish), I wrote it about Nancy.
Okay, it's way too late.

Tuesday, November 18

Physics was interesting today. We all got there on time and everything, and there was part of a lab set up and we were supposed to get our midterm scores back. But Sharon (GSI) wasn't there. So we just sat down and waited a while. Around 12:15 we started getting a little antsy cuz she's never late. At 12:30 my friend Denise started saying that we should just leave (she had a project she needed to work on for CS anyway), so I convinced her to stay until 12:45 and we started the crossword in the Daily Cal. Around 12:40 someone in the class finally says, "So how long are we all going to stay here?" And then some guy from the front of the class says he'll write a note on the board saying we were there and about half of the class leaves. So, he writes the note saying we stayed until 12:45pm but didn't know what to do without her there so we were going to leave. At this point, about half the class leaves. (Some guy comes running in right about now, all out of breath, only to find no class going on.)
Denise and I decide to check the GSI office/tutoring room, but she's not there either. Meanwhile, one of the guys has gone into the side room (where the other GSIs hang when a class is using the lab) to ask them if they knew where Sharon was. So Denise and I get back and find the guy saying that the other GSIs don't know where she is either. Then a GSI from Bogg's lecture (I'm in Yu's) comes out and reiterates what the guy just said and tells us that she can give us the worksheet we were doing that day which was Fluid Dynamics but she can't give us scores or anything. Thing is, turns out our class is ahead of the rest of the sections, since we had already done that worksheet. So now the other GSI is at a loss.
Next, the head GSI came into the lab, heading for the side room and kinda slowed down as he saw us. He keeps staring at us--picture half a section, gathered at the front of the lab wearing backpacks and mystified expressions, all directed at him now--as the GSI who was talking to us ushers him into the side room and closes the door. A few seconds later, he comes out just as Sharon walks through the door. It was 12:55.
So we got our midterms back, got the worksheet, and left.
Woohoo!! I just found out! PG & E owes us money!! LOTS of money!!! They totally overcharged Nancy, Alice and I this summer when we had that gigantic payment. So, now they owe us $50!!! Haha, so basically, Alice, Nancy and I payed for FIVE months of power in July. Dude.

Monday, November 17

Tonight I went to dinner with my old Small Group. Christina came up from LA and took us all to Pomegranate on University Ave. It was soooo yummy! We had hummus and pita bread. And then almost all nine of us ate the Pomegranate Chicken which is chicken in this sweet sauce (that is based on pomegranate juice) and garlic potatoes and these really yummy veggies.
All during dinner I kept hearing this strange noise, like the snort someone makes when they're laughing. Finally I realized it was coming from the table caddy-corner to ours that held a couple on a date. The snorting noise was, as far as I can tell, coming from the woman. But she wasn't laughing...she was just...snorting at random intervals. But it sounded like the kind of snort you can't control, you know the one? So, every so often during dinner, there'd be these little silences while everyone's mouth is full and suddenly, out of the quiet: SNORT!!
It was quite disconcerting.
After dinner, Christina took us out to Mondo Gelato. The two guys behind the counter kept trying to flirt with all of us. For example, everytime I looked up, one of them would be ready to ask which ice cream I wanted to try next. One of them, whenever I tried something, would launch into a detailed explanation of what the ice cream consisted of and he tried to make it sound all sauve. So, one time, I asked to try to Straccitella (soooOOOoooOOoOoOOOOOoooooOOo yummy people) and he started saying "This is the original and best chocolate chip ice cream in Berkeley that leaves a creamy after-taste and melts on your tongue." I was thinking "Just give me the sample spoon." I mean, I heard him give a watered down version of the same speech to the women next to us, but did he talk about their tongues...Heck no. *rolls eyes*
Thing is, I knew that guy from one of my classes last semester. I never know what to do in a situation like that. Do you say hello and tell them which class you had together? Do you just pretend that you don't remember them and be overly friendly? I mean, what if they remember you too, but since you didn't say anything they feel rebuffed? (I'm beginning to reach the conclusion that I think too much...*considers*)
Anyway, so it was really good to see Christina and everyone. And I finally got to hang out with Alice again! Yay! She and Devika and I really have to get together and do a roomie reunion. ^_^
Heh, I have WAY too much homework to be writing such a long blog entry. I have to read about a hundred pages in Invisible Man by Wednesday (no biggie), so I should get started. I'm so excited about reading Ralph Ellison! I read one of his essays and really liked the way he thought, so I'm hoping Invisible Man is like that. : )
All righty, I'm off to read Ellison!!

Go Faeries!!

Take the What Faery Are You? Quiz!

This quiz was made by lia

hmmm...interesting *strokes chin thoughtfullly* (especially since this is one of, like, five fairies they said i was like. haha)

Sunday, November 16

Hi again! My midterm is sooooo over! Yay! hehe
Now all I have to do is keep writing papers until Thanksgiving and after that it's a straight pass to Christmas break!!!!
Ankush left yesterday. :'( So sad. But we all have fun before he left. As you have probably already read in Devika's blog, Friday night, Dani's friends Ian and Justin came up from LA to visit. They were great fun and taught Ankush, Devika and I how to GAMBLE!!! *big grin* No no, it was more fun than it sounds. I now know how to BLUFF. *nods excitedly* I even tricked Ian!!! But before that, Justin, Ankush, Devika, and I played this game called Topple. Basically you put this round pieces on this board which is only balanced in the middle. The person who adds the lost piece before it topples loses point, etc. Now, I don't care what you've heard, but Ankush and Justin were AFTER ME!!! (Well, to be fair, I think Justin just wanted all the pieces to fall again and again. And Ankush was probably after me cuz I told him that if he knocked my pieces off again, he'd have to sleep on the couch. hehe? *clears throat* ANYway.) But it was still fun. : )
Then I went over to Ankush's and we hung out until my mom came to pick me up for the weekend. I spent the rest of the weekend at my aunt's where we decided to watch a movie. Why? Why do we always want to watch a movie? We KNOW that we can't agree on one movie to save our lives. I mean, come on people.
So, Tyler and I ended up going to Blockbuster to get movies...and we came back with stand-up comedy. But not the stand up comedians that I know and love. No no. We came back with George Carlin and Margaret Cho. Neither of whom I particularly enjoy. We all knew this, but at this point we were just too tired to look anymore. :-p
Today, my mother and I went about the fascinating and exciting project of grocery shopping. Yay! I have food!!!
Now I am going to go and either a) Take a nap or b) do some homework or c) watch Danica beat Mario Kart. Again.

Friday, November 7

Okay, I know what I said. But...I don't want to study all the time! *sigh* I'm such a bad student. :-p
Tonight, instead of working on either of my two papers which are due next week or studying for my physics midterm, I am going over to Ankush's for movie time. Hehe. I like movie time. Esp. at Ankush's cuz he has a nice comfy bed to watch on. And there's plenty of room, unlike in our living room with the small couch. It's good for up to two or three (if small) people. After that, people are stuck on the floor. :-p
Yeah, okay, forgive my rambling. I got about twenty minutes of sleep last night. Well, that was this morning around 10. So, I have an excuse for being weird other than the fact that I just am. Hehe. Right. Okay.
I think I need some sleep. :-p

Wednesday, November 5

Okay, I'm back. But just for you, Devika! :) All the rest of you on the other hand...*looks stern* ;) Just kidding.
You won't hear from me for a few days as I am in the midst of a) studying for my next physics midterm which I am DETERMINED to do better on than the last one *shudders*; b) rewriting an essay for English which is harder than it sounds; c) a project for my EPS class. (For all you non-Berkeley types, EPS stands for Earth and Planetary Sciences.) All of these things are due next Monday or Wednesday. Sooooooo, I will be disappearing into The Dungeon (aka Moffit Library) for the next week or so. *sigh* On top of this, I will be spending most of my free time (hah! "free time"! that's a laugh) with Ankush because he leaves next Friday and won't be back until January.
Right now, however, I am off to my Irish class. It was cancelled on Monday, so this class is going to be HECTIC. I can just see Esther (prof) trying to fit both Monday's and Wednesday's schedules into one class period. : p hehe
Talk to you in a week or so!

Monday, November 3

I have nothing to say to you people.
*sticks nose in air and walks away*

Sunday, November 2

*singing* It's raaaaaaining, it's pooooouring!!
*clears throat* Sorry, I like rain. Hehe. I couldn't figure out what it was at first cuz it was so sudden. It sounded like air rushing through the window or something. Only...the window wasn't open. *Twilight Zone theme* So I went out to the living room to see if it was raining outside. But it didn't look like it, so I was terribly confused. And then Alice thought I wanted to know the time, which confused me further cuz all she said was "Eight thirteen." I was that code or something?? But eventually I decided to go check the inner courtyard thingy and sure enough, there was RAIN!!!!!!
How is everyone doing? Sorry I haven't updated in a while.
Time for a NEWS FLASH!
Halloween: I went to the Castro with Ankush, Devika, Danica, Bhavik, Niyati, Pratna and...crap...ahhhhhh I can't remember her name! She was in Devika's dance! And she has long black hair! And I think she lives with Pratna and Niyati...*grumble* Curses!
This weekend: I spent the whole thing doing NOTHING. I slept most of it away, which surprised me. I never sleep as it is, but sleeping too much?? Weird. I've never slept a whole day before, but on Sat, guess what I did. That's right, I slept until five. FIVE!!!! (Okay, so I woke up a few times to talk to Maggie on the phone, but it was only for about half an hour at a time, so it doesn't count.)
So, I've been trying to get tickets for Trilogy Tuesday for my bro for his bday. Unfortunately, the scalpes have FOILED ME!!!! *sniffle* It's no fair. How dare they buy all the tickets!!!!!!!!!! *wailing* And now they're selling them for hundreds of dollars!!!
I guess that's all for now. I wonder what homework I was supposed to do this weekend. *shrugs* Oh well.