Monday, November 28

Here, by popular demand, is my Christmas Wish List:

1. New hair; mine is attempting to kill me
2. Death Cab albums (except for Plans)
3. Internship with Jude
4. Weezer memorabilia
5. Malamute puppy
6. Postal Service album
7. Teleportation device
8. Finding Nemo
9. Reindeer
10. Exciting earrings
11. Cute flannel pajamas; it's so cold in Berkeley
12. Logh albums
13. Rivers Cuomo
14. Batman Begins 2-disc DVD
15. Volkswagon Bug convertible (green with black top)

There, that should be plenty to choose from. Considering that I have way more than 15 friends, I'm totally going to get everything on this list. NICE!

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