Wednesday, September 15

So, Eric and I went to the French library yesterday and he happened to mention that he was looking for a quiet place to study. Well, OF COURSE I decided to tell him all about my favorite study room in Doe! (I love telling people about the North Reading Room.) And when the French library was closed, I offered to show him where it was.

We head on over and I'm extoling the virtues of the North Reading Room, and we get upstairs...And the reading room is closed for renovation. RENOVATION! Until DECEMBER!!! That's this whoooooole semester!!!! What am I gonna do?????? Where am I gonna study? I'll never get anything done! I'll fail all my classes!

And the UC Regents are the ones to blame! Spending money renovating a room that doesn't need to be renovated when they could be lowering our fees!!!!!!

*sniffles* I'm doomed.

Eric, of course, thought it was pretty funny. He just doesn't understand what a TRAVESTY this is!!!! : (

*shakes fist at UC Regents* GIVE ME BACK MY STUDY ROOM!

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