Tuesday, April 12


This paper is going to kill me. Now, I know what you're thinking about my usual habit of melodrama, but this time I'm serious. I can't seem to get past the third page, and it's supposed to be between 8 and 10 pages. And it's due Thursday. Can you say, "Kaitlin's screwed?" I don't even a definitive topic yet. I'm trying to write something on the film "Orfeu Negro" and its failure to create a "black idiom." Unfortunately, that is harder than it sounds. *sighs*

On to better news: Relay for Life is just around the corner! We're almost completely ready. We're just waiting for someone to offer to go buy the facepaint we want to use at the site. We aren't really holding our breath, though.

On to weirder news: I'm apparently supposed to be running for President of NSCS. I did not realize this until this morning. The speeches are to be given at 6pm. Where was I when this was decided?

I still can't believe I'm actually going to see Weezer live. I'm soooo excited! The concert is going to be soooOOOoooOOOOooo great!!!!!!!!!

And now I'm going to go and write a few more pages. Hopefully.


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