Friday, April 9

Woohoo! Go Warriors! Even if you don't win!
I just got back from the Warriors game against the Minnesota Timberwolves. They lost. But they put up a good fight for most of the game!! Yay! Eric, Dani and I went, with tickets given to me by Joe, sweetheart that he is.
The guys who were sitting next to us were a trip though. They seemed to take a real liking to Eric, but they called him names when they found out he was a Lakers fan. Whoa, the sudden yelling startled Dani and I almost out of our seats. And they kept offering us peanuts. Finally, I just wanted to take them and throw them down into the seats below us. I mean, seriously, a girl can only be offered peanuts a certain number of times before she goes postal.
I got Room on Fire today. SUCH A GREAT ALBUM!!! (Let me know if you want me to burn it for you. ^_^) I've been listening to it ever since. I never get tired of it. Hehe.
Oh! Prathna and I are definitely going to be teaching a decal! Well, we still have to turn in the paperwork (a sample syllabus), but the coordinators offered us mucho help in getting it off the ground, which is so awesome of them. Especially considering that they usually run fantasy book decals. Hehe. My friend Nick said he'd help, too, since he's going to be doing one of their typical decals.
*sigh* I love Berkeley!
And now I'm off to be a lump in front of my computer while I watch a movie. :-p

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