Thursday, February 10

Hey all!

It's been a while, huh? Sorry about that. I really have no excuse. I mean, updating this thing takes about five minutes. However, I've been trying to get my schedule straightened out and all this other crap. Some of you will be sad (others happy) to know that I have dropped French and am no longer attempting to be bilingual.

In other news, Mark got me this really really yummy hot chocolate for Christmas and I think I've finished almost half the jar already. It's called Penzey's and it's a mint hot chocolate. Soooo scrumptious. Thanks Mark!

I'm enrolled in a Public Policy DECal. Sorry, just wanted to shock you guys. I am, in fact, in a Public Policy DECal, however, the actual topic of the DECal is "The West Wing". Yes, that's right, the TV show. It's so fun. Though, I've now become obsessed with "The West Wing." I watched the newest episode last night and, I have to say it, the show has gone downhill since Sorkin left as the writer. *sigh* So sad to watch your favorite show crumble before your eyes. Oh! And there's this really annoying woman on the show now, who has this really high pitched voice and--since the show was on Valentine's Day--was putting V-Day candy on everyone's desks and humming love songs. It was sickening...

Last night, I was procrastinating doing homework for about three hours, one of which was spent watching "The West Wing." So, in that time, I cleaned my room, changed the sheets, rearranged my bookshelf and painted my nails. Now, my DVDs are in alphabetical order and I have (bright) pink nails. Yes, I am a loser.

Okay, that's long enough for a post. I'm going to go have some lunch.


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