Wednesday, May 14

My Dislike

So, people tease me a lot about my dislike of Paramore and I thought I'd clear up a few things.

Upon first discovering I don't like the band, people always come back with "But they're so catchy! How can you dislike them?"

I don't dislike their music. They ARE catchy and poppy. The lead singer has a decent voice that she uses all right, and she has the potential to sound even better. The guitarist is pretty good; the drummer can't do more than power drum but at least he does that well; and the bassist is all right for mostly plucking one string at a time. They're not a bad band, the state of the music world considered.

Their music isn't my problem.

It isn't even really THEM that bothers me anymore. I admit I really disliked them when I read an article stating that the lead singer (who doesn't play an instrument) was leaving the band to go solo. I took that was a sign they were the next No Doubt. Sure the singer SAYS it's not about her, it's all about the band, then BAM she's gone singing songs that spell "Bananas/B-A-N-A-N-A-S". However, the lead singer recently gave an interview saying that she never intended to leave the band, etc, etc. *shrugs* Whatever. Maybe I was wrong.

It's the synchronized dancing that really gets me.

And, frankly, who the hell is that second guitarist?? He's not listed on the line-up, but there he is, dancing in unison with the others as they play the power chords. WTF??

Where in the Rock-N-Roll Manual does it say that there should be synchronized dancing? Kiss called, they want their '73 stage show back.

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