Friday, September 30

I am a music snob. I realize this and I try to keep the snide mental remarks to a minimum. But sometimes I can't help it. I mentioned last time that I started working for ReadyMade as an intern in the music section. Ironically, I have yet to meet the actual music reviewer. Instead, we communicate through post-its on cds and I work directly under Julia (I'm not sure of her title). Anyway, so I started working there about a month ago, and it's really fun to listen to all these cds that the public hasn't heard yet. However, I have noticed a general trend that is pissing me off.

When you see bands that have their lead (female) singer dressed up like a prostitute while the guys are in jeans and t-shirts, you know that they were thinking about what sells, not about the music. And then there are the people that can't sing worth *%^#, I mean, can't even FAKE it, that get pushed by labels just because they look pretty on the sleeve.

Don't get me wrong, I've always known this was happening. I've been hearing my parents complain about the degeneration of the music business since I was in saddle shoes (yes, unfortunately I did have an affinity for these as a small child). And it wouldn't have bothered me so much this week if it hadn't been for the fact that I just saw two awesome bands in concert mere days ago. After watching a show like that, with bands who got where they are through talent, it's bound to rankle that so many amazing musicians are out there being passed over by labels because they don't have a gimick.

I hate gimicks.

So, from now on I'm going to use this space to introduce my limited readership to good (and horrid) bands that I run across that you might not have heard of.

LOGH "A Sunset Panorama"-Released earlier this year, Logh's album quietly fell into obscurity. (It's not even available on iTunes with their other album.) However, amid the sometimes inane lyrics ("I fell into the well/I fell into hell" or the profoundly eloquent "My Teacher's Bed") are a few absolutely awesome tracks. The album kicks off with the instrumental "String Theory," showcasing a peaceful classical influence, and it ends with "An Alliance of Worlds" which tends towards Alt/Rock. If you like the Shins or Interpol, you should check out Logh.

BURNSIDE PROJECT "The Finest Example Is You"-Kind of an older Death Cab for Cutie. Burnside Project mixes old-school-techno-dance-beat influence with beautiful vocals that would sound just as seamless if placed over an acoustic band.

1 comment:

meloukhia said...

Hey. I wore saddle shoes when I was a kid, too, dude. And they were AWESOME.

Shut up.