Tuesday, November 13

Weezer Back from the Dead

Yeah, okay, so no one really believed that Weezer was gone for good. But when Rivers claimed he wanted to retire, we thought it would last a little longer than, what, a year??

Apparently, the new album is to be released April 22, 2008. (Happy Bday, Dani!!!) And an early release of "demos" (that sounds more like an EP than a demo) is supposed to come out before the end of the year. With an Ice Cube cover?? Oh, Rivers...

Retirement in the music industry is like a band leaving the stage. Everyone comes back for an encore these days.

You think they'll call it a reunion tour?

Thursday, November 1

The Countdown Epidemic

It seems that the world has become obsessed with Countdowns. (I wonder if this has any connection to the slew of trilogies that have been appearing...)

I'd like to say definitively that the popularity began with VH1's Greatest Songs of the Eighties. Or slough all blame onto the conception of the awful song "Final Countdown." That's right, you heard me Europe. You're EVIL.

But I can't. Much to my chagrin.

Whatever the reason, we suddenly have Countdowns popping up everywhere. ABC Family has Thirteen Days of Halloween and 25 Days of Christmas. And, this year, they've added the Countdown to the 25 Days of Christmas. Yes, you read that right, they now have a COUNTDOWN to their COUNTDOWN.

The worst of it all is that #1 is never what should be #1. For example, the aforementioned VH1 Eighties Countdown lists Bon Jovi's "Livin' on a Prayer" as #1 song of the eighties. I'm sorry. No. While "Livin' on a Prayer" is an awesome rock/pop number, it's just not #1 material. Half of the Earth's population hates that song with the fire of a thousand suns. (I'd like to state here that I am NOT a member of this Bon Jovi hating clan.) So how can they say that it defines an entire decade of music?

Wouldn't "In Your Eyes" be a better choice? I've never met someone who didn't like that song. Or at least no one who was aggresively vocal about their contempt. Unlike many Bon Jovi haters. (You know who you are.) And the romantic scene with John Cusack totally immortalized this ballad. Go Peter Gabriel!

Last night, I was watching Bravo's 100 Scariest Movie Moments, and for #1 (I apologize if I'm ruining this for anyone out there) they put Jaws. Seriously? Above Exorcist? I mean, on the one hand, a big ugly shark. On the other, a girl's head spinning around on her neck. Is there really a contest?

I hate countdowns.